Percy opens up to teru

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Despite that it was raining outside of the camp's borders Percy had come knocking on cabin 13's door. Obviously I wasn't asleep so I got up to see what he wanted and I could tell he was upset from the moment I saw his face so I pulled him into a hug where he completely broke down into my shoulder.

" everything ok?" I asked calmly as I was really worried about him as I've never seen him cry like this before. Man I've never seen him cry.

"I...I hate it here at camp! Everyone hates me other than you and Mr D!" Percy replied. Tears still filled his eyes. "I just want to run away and leave here forever!" Percy continued to say still pretty much upset

"I know it's hard especially when everyone turns your back on you I know that. The ares cabin got most of the camp to hate me other than the Hermes, Zeus, Aphrodite, Dionysus and the Apollo cabins they're the only ones that actually care and have been they're for me since they found out about what my stepdad did to me as a kid" I replied sadly knowing it's hard as I'm still having to live with the fact that I had a toxic stepdad in my life.

"Can I talk to you about stuff teru? I know you have your own problems but I just need someone to talk to" Jackson asked nervously

"Sure you can" I answered still worried about Percy

"So umm growing up my stepdad he wasn't a very nice person...he did some very bad things..." Percy paused looking at the ground nervously

"Hey pers take your time ok?" I told him calmly

"I-I've also been stared at very weirdly by Thalia and some of the other cabins lately and it's creeping me out to the point I'm crying myself to sleep" Percy continued clearly upset and trying not to cry

"I'm so so sorry that been happening to you Percy I'll make sure that it doesn't happen again I promise and if it does tell me about it ok?" I asked gently trying my best to comfort him

"O-ok I will" Percy replied giving a sad small smile as he gave me another hug which is when I realized he looked up to me with how much I'm trying not to let my past get to me

Whilst some point over the course of the day I had talked to the Hermes & Apollo cabin about Percy's situation (I had permission to) and they said they'll help me make sure Percy doesn't feel left out because of Thalia now being back.

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