Chapter One

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What do you think is your purpose in this world?

Or... do you think you have any?

Being trapped in a deep well of agony, one should know what their purpose of living is: to have a sense of solidity and, of course, sanity...

“What if you get caught?”

Fear's the only thing that I can see through her eyes right now, so I squeezed her little hands.

“You know that I can handle myself,”


“Uh, no buts, please?” I gave her an assuring smile, to ease her worry.

She sighed, “Fine. Just be careful. And... don't get caught, okay?”

I nodded my head, “Bueno.” I then fixed her comforter, before heading outside of our room.

The eerie, dark hallway welcomed me, along with the cold wind, which added to the tension that I am feeling.

With full care, I closed the door, and walked quietly, that I could only hear my heartbeat right now.

We were supposed to sleep at exactly 9 o'clock in the evening, and no one, as in no one, should go out after 9 passes.

And you'll taste literal hell if you break the rule. Especially when it's the Mother Superior who's caught you sneaking outside your room.

But I don't have any choice right now. My roommate, Mary, is sick. She was quivering due to high fever, and had stomach pain.

Mary isn't just my roommate in this place, after all. She's like my little sister, mi hermanita, and I can't just lay there, knowing that she is suffering.

And it is my belief that this is my purpose in this world. It is to protect that innocent little kid, at any cost.

“Madre Jimena asked for a cup of chamomile tea.”

I quietly gasped, immediately covered my mouth, and hid beside the large vintage vase when I heard voices coming from the kitchen.

Mierda! Mahuhuli ba ako? What should I do?!

I stayed behind the large vase, which is, fortunately, large enough to cover my whole body.

Of course, I was panicking, but I should take that emotion aside and focus on hiding, for Mary's sake.

“Why can't she just do it herself? It's not even that hard to make.” the two nuns laughed,

“You know Madre Jimena, she has too much pride to make herself a cup of tea.”

“She's just lazy.”

Hearing things like this isn't actually new to me, to us. We are all aware that everyone hates the Mother Superior. However, we all don't have any choice but to follow every command from her, even if it is against our own free will.

Because she's Madre Jimena. The scary monstrous Mother Superior, Madre Jimena.

Mary even told me multiple times that Madre Jimena can even pass as Satan's wife and help him lead hell.

“Hush, someone might hear you!”

“Lo que. Just make that tea fast. We still need to check the kids.”

“Don't worry, I'll just give this to Madre Jimena, and I'll follow you upstairs. Just make sure all of them are asleep.”

“No, I'll just wait for you.”

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