The Garden.

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I was still lay in his lap, one hand in my hair and the other gently wrapped around my neck. I was still coming to terms with the fact that I've been here for longer than I expected.

Suddenly he pulled my hair back roughly, pulling me up to face his chest. He then tilted my head back to look at my eyes. He giggled like a school girl once he saw the tears pricking at them. He liked causing me pain, only to see my reaction to it.

"Awe...your flower crown..." Did he really only just notice? "Y-yeah...all but the rose have withered..." I told him, my voice shaky and weak. He stayed silent, taken aback by my attempt to make conversation with him.

He grinned widely once more as the speechlessness drained from him. "How about we get some more flowers darling?" He suggested, excitement laced in his voice. I nodded as he stood up, letting go of my hair and throat.

He pulled me up and forcibly took my hand to be in his, intertwining his fingers with mine. He squeezed my hand firmly, making sure that I couldn't get away from him.

He wasn't scared I'd run away, he and I both knew that I can't at this point. It's more than likely that he just wants me closer to him, feeding into his want for physical touch.

"Sir?" I got his attention the moment my mouth opened, "What is it doll?" He'd reply, still slightly surprised at my second attempt to commune with him. "Why do you want me so much...I'm a hero, not only that but-" He pressed a finger to my lips, silencing me.


And so I left it at that. Whenever he spoke in one word answers was when I knew I had made a mistake, and his intimidating manner left me speechless, like tape was put over my mouth.

I wouldn't speak until I knew I could, and even then, he still looked tense. His hand left mine, instead he'd grip my wrist like there was no tomorrow. He'd drag me behind him until we found a flower patch.

Instead of letting me pick, he plucked some random ones he thought were pretty before placing them in my other hand. He sat me down, silently watching me as I put the new flowers in my crown. "You know these ones are going to wither too?"

He changed his eyeline as I spoke, and so I stayed silent once again, only tugging on his trousers once I was done. He pulled me up again and gripped my wrist tightly, dragging me back inside.

"Are we going back to my room?" I used the term loosely, knowing he wasn't fond of how I called it a cell even though we both knew it is. "Yes." He finally responded, reluctance evident in just that one word.

He opened my cell door and put me back inside. "Arms up." I obeyed and raised my arms up, metal clasping around my wrists. They would let me hang just above the floor. He looked at me, a sliver of anger in his eyes. "Your life before being here doesn't matter. Don't try to bring middle school up again."

A "Yes sir..." escaped my lips before he left. Leaving me to hang there, alone again.

I had fallen asleep by the time he was back again. He shook me awake and seemed to be back in his usual manner. I was awake but stayed quiet, unsure of what I was supposed to do.

For a few minutes he did nothing but stare at me, still grinning, his demeanour still creepily comforting. I quickly found out what he wanted me to do, or at least what I thought he wanted me to do. Some part or me wanted to do it even if it wasn't something he had in mind in the first place.

"I'm sorry sir...I won't do it again. I promise." He let me down from my restraints once again, bringing me down gently instead of letting me fall into his arms as he usually would.

"It's alright darling~ I forgive you~" He still held his creepily seductive tone just like before. "Where are we going?" He smiled at me as he held my hand just like he had before, walking me out of my cell. "Just the lobby again, Overhaul wants a chat with me and I want you to be there too. He has agreed because it isn't too important, not sure what exactly it is about. I nodded in understanding as we walked to the lobby together.

Overhaul was sat on one of the sofa-chairs waiting for us. "Greetings Midorya...and his plaything." I hid behind him, not really wanting to be around Overhaul. "Hello master! I heard you wanted to talk to me." And indeed he did.

They talked about strategies, partnerships, and other things that I didn't really care about, I wasn't listening. "Now regarding your toy there..." I started listening in, knowing I was the 'toy' he mentioned. "Yes master? What about him?" Izuku replied.

"Well as my apprentice you learn about what I do, yes?" He nodded assuredly, "Well Midoriya, I want you to run some tests on your 'pet'. Only some simple blood tests, information on his quirk type. Of course I know about your extensive knowledge on the matter, but samples are still helpful and could give you greater perspective than just watching how it works from the outside."

"Of course Master, I wouldn't have it any other way." He grinned at me, looking at the fear in my eyes. I wasn't scared of being operated on, it was being operated on by him that made my skin crawl.

He brought me back to that dastardly operating table. It wasn't the first time he had took liberties in what he would call 'taking care' of me. But that's what scared me.

The first time I was in this room, I had no idea how he was going to act when fixing all of my wounds and washing me. But now that I do, I don't want to be in here again.

I stayed silent out of fear as he strapped me onto the table once again. I couldn't move and it made anxiety overwhelm me. "Anything you want to say before I go ahead and test you?" He'd ask, curiosity taking over him in a cruel nature.

"Please...can we just go back to the garden...?"

Yippie! Another chapter done! I hope you enjoyed this one! I really do love writing this new series!

◆Yours truly◆

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