Eunice Watson

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Your eyes opened slowly as the sun poured into the room through a small gap in the curtains, and you realised where you were, before also realising the position you were in. Your head was resting on Sebastian's chest, and you stayed still for a while, listening to his slow, steady heartbeat. His body radiated warmth and his scent was almost intoxicating, but unfortunately, you couldn't stay like that forever, and you forced yourself to sit up. Sebastian woke up shortly after, and he smiled up at you sleepily from his pillow. He looked ethereal, basking in the morning glow, messy hair sprawled across the pillow and half-closed eyes. It wasn't fair in the slightest that he could look so incredibly beautiful without even trying.

"Good morning," he said, in his deep, husky voice, and you had to force yourself to breathe normally.
"Good morning," you croaked. You climbed out of bed before he could see just how red your cheeks were, and went to grab your bag from Poppy's room. You decided on a plain grey outfit, the usual breeches and waistcoat, but you also grabbed some black leather gloves from deep inside one of the pockets. Your fingers hadn't worsened since the day before, but it was still a concerning sight, and the last thing you wanted was more questioning glances from everyone you passed. Once you changed into your clothes, you left the bag with Sebastian, and decided to finish the food that Galatea had brought, so it wouldn't go to waste. It didn't taste nearly as good as it probably did the night before, but it was a sufficient breakfast.

Sebastian emerged from Eunice's room, dressed in a sage green waistcoat embroidered with a gold floral pattern and some grey pinstripe trousers, looking handsome as ever.
"Are all of your camping clothes this fancy?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't have time to buy any wilderness outfits, plans were a bit short notice." He folded his arms and feigned offence, but it didn't take long for him to laugh along with you. Once you were certain you had all your belongings, you left the cottage, still feeling guilty about leaving it in such disarray. Poppy would understand, you hadn't been taught cleaning spells yet.

You'd already lost a few hours of the morning while you slept, but you couldn't complain too much. It was a pleasant change, being able to sleep for more than a mere couple of hours. There was something about Sebastian that grounded you, kept your mind safe from all the terrible thoughts of goblin loyalists and dark magic. The two of you made your way back to the pub, keeping your heads down to avoid any curious stares from the villagers. There seemed to be a hum of chatter the closer you came to the pub, mentions of flashing lights and the sound of fighting from the day before, but you managed to avoid reacting to it so you wouldn't give yourself away.

Curan and Galatea were already waiting for you in the pub, looking you up and down and whispering between one another shamelessly.
"Yes... I see what you mean," said Curan, and Galatea hummed in agreement. You rolled your eyes and took a seat on one of the barstools.
"So," you began, "have you decided if we're trustworthy?" Galatea glanced at Curan expectantly, who rolled his eyes.
"I suppose you are who you claim to be."
"So you'll tell us what you know about Poppy's disappearance?"
"I will, but first..."

You and Sebastian shared a quizzical glance, while Curan moved from behind the bar and beckoned you to follow him through a little door in the corner of the room. He opened the door to reveal a wooden staircase, which led up to a little attic room, covered in dust and cobwebs.
"Eunice?" Curan called. "Visitors for you." You peered over his shoulder and caught sight of an old woman hunched over in a rocking chair in the far corner. Your eyes widened.
"Poppy's Gran?" you whispered. "But I thought-"

"She knew something strange was going on," Curan whispered. Eunice didn't seem to be able to hear either of you, or perhaps she just wasn't listening, too lost in a daze, but her lips were moving, as if she was muttering something under her breath. "There were a lot of clues, but the rumour about the occamy really cemented it for her. Occamies are native-"
"To the far East, we know," interrupted Sebastian.
"Yes, well... She thought someone was coming after her. She came to the pub and told us her plan. Scared some of the village children into inviting Poppy out to get her away from the cottage. As it turns out-"
"She made it easier for them to take Poppy," you realised.
"She hasn't said a word since, barely eats, barely sleeps."
"She thinks it's her fault?"
"Wouldn't you?" You didn't answer, but you suspected he could see it in your face anyway. Of course you would, you already did. Everything that had happened did so because of you.

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