Chapter 1

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"Lady Athena, may I please get your blessing to marry Annabeth?" Percy asked.

"You may not," Athena answered, Percy looked down in dismay.

"But, you can get my blessing by completing the twelve labours of Herakles, or as you commonly know as Hercules," Athena said as Percy's eyes lit up.

"You must get it done by 2 years.  No contact with any demi-gods, especially my daughter," Athena said, picking up a piece of mail that Hermes put in front of the door.

"Understood lady Athena.  Can you please tell Annabeth that I would be back in 3 months?" Percy said.

"Alright, consider it a favor," Athena said, nodding.

Percy went around doing his tasks, trying to get Athena's blessing.  In the meantime, he had specifically asked Hephaestus to craft a beautiful ring, designed by himself.  He must be ready by the time he comes back and propose to Annabeth.


"Finally, I can get back to Camp Half-Blood.  It has indeed been a long three months, guess fates are on my side this time," Percy chuckled, muttering to himself.  He was sweaty and had just finished his last task.  

He walked up the small hill and stepped inside the border.  He saw something unbelievable, everything was decorated in white, there were beautiful flowers hanging everywhere.  What was most surprising is that everyone was dancing happily, including the gods.  He walked towards the stage and saw Annabeth, she was holding hands with a boy.

"Ann-Annabeth?" Percy questioned.  He had tears in his eyes.

"Percy," Annabeth said coldly.  Everyone stopped and look him in the eyes, not a good kind though.

"What is all this?" Percy asked, tears threatening to spill.

"This is your half brother, Dominic.  I am married to him.  You wanna know why?  You took all the glory, when we were all there supporting you.  It belonged to us, too.  But no, you were the one who took it all.  You even act as a spy for Kronos and Gaea, I seriously can't believe you.  Where have you been?  Going back and report, or perhaps helping them plan a bigger attack?" Annabeth said coldly, hatred definite in her voice.

"No, I was getting Lady Athena's blessing to marry you.  See, I even designed the ring," he said as he held up the ring.

"I was never a spy, why would you think that?  My fatal flaw is personal loyalty, why would I do that?  I never wanted glory, heck, I even turned down godhood for you.  I always made sure that you all would get honoured for winning the war.  I, myself, never played a big part.  Think about it Annabeth, what had made you believe so strongly that I'm a spy, you even married my half-brother.  He wasn't even here 2 years ago, we always talked about our future," Percy said softly, his tears already spilling.

Annabeth's eyes had a flash of guilt and pity, but they disappeared just as fast as they had appeared, her eyes hardened as cold as ice, "Such a beautiful lie, Perseus."  She spat, then turned around as she kissed Dominic on the lips.  Dominic has this cunning smile the whole time, but was covered by a warm smile, no one but Percy could see through it.

Percy felt like he wanted to kill himself, within a second, he was transported to Olympus

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