Chapter 7

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"Why are you wearing such old fashion clothing?" Dominic demanded.

"It is called a chiton, you uneducated brat. Besides, it is easier for me to expand my wings when needed. Even though there will be no need in this fight, it is still more comfortable than whatever you are wearing," Azrael ansered, looking unamused as he took off his wreath, blew on it as if it has dust, then put it back on.

"And what's up with the rose, are you so childish that you like girl stuff?" Dominic asked, still looking smug. (Once again, no offence. Really sorry if it offended you, but I'm just trying to portray Dominic's egoistic behaviour or personality)

"Your wife would definitely know better, after all, you are dumb. My favourite flower. A rose, outside is beautiful, maybe some people consider it weak, but inside, on the stems, are thorns. Telling people to never judge a book by its cover. I may look weak, but never judge until you've met my full potential. Beautiful, yet dangerous," Azrael said, his eyes narrowed at Dominic, who cowered.

"Lady Athena shall be our judge, after all, she does have a sharp eye and wise brain," Azrael said. Athena nodded and went up to the judges' table, a new addition to the camp. He put his wreath down, just outside the boundaries of the arena

Athena announced, "Powers allowed, no maiming. You may start now."

Azrael held no weapon, unlike him, Dominic held a sword, plain celestial bronze. "What? You think you can take on me bare hands?" Dominic taunted.

"I don't even need hands to defeat you," Azrael snorted. Azrael put his hands behind his back, making himself not able to use them. He ran up to Dominic, jumped up and kick him. Dominic defended himself by holding up his sword to block Arael's kick.

Azrael use his feet and locked the sword between them, he was in mid-air 180 degrees flat, he spun his body, effectively flinging the sword out of Dominic's hands. He landed perfectly on the floor.

Without his weapon, Dominic held his fist out and summoned water, he created a barrier between him and Azrael. Azrael scoffed, he in turn, bent light. The light engulf water and the barrier dispersed. Azrael ran up and kicked Dominic in the chest, making him wheeze. Everyone winced at the impact. Dominic crashed into a tree and fell. Azrael put his foot on Dominic's chest, not adding too much force.

"Yield," Azrael said calmly.

"Never!" Dominic yelled. Suddenly, Azrael sensed something whizzing straight towards his head. He added pressure to his foot and held out his hand, using his themb and index finger to catch the blade of a dagger whizzing dangerously fast. He didn't even look at the dagger, the whole time, he was staring calmly at Dominic.

"I don't think that's nice, is it Ms. Chase?" Azrael said calmly, inspecting the blade.

"Do you yield?" Azrael asked calmly.

"No!" Dominic yelled.

Azrael flung the blade to the ground with such force, the dagger dug deep into the soil, only its handle can be seen, it landed dangerously close to Dominic's head.

"How about now?" Azrael asked again.

"Fine, but you are a freak. You know that?" Dominic shouted, wanting to piss Azrael. Azrael took off his feet from Dominic's chest, leaving a bruise there.

"Oh I know. Unfortunately, not a lot of people agree with us," Azrael retorted, picking up his wreath, dusting it with his hands before putting it back on his head.

"What makes you say that you are an angel anyways?" one of Dominic's followerer asked.

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