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The fear was evident in Antonio's face. He looked at Javier in a way he never had before, wide eyed, biting his lip while trembling, watching his lover and their child afraid. Antonio knew what was going to happen and if he stood around and let Javier and their son die, he couldn't live with himself. 

Mateo, barely a week old, screamed and wailed as army men tried barging in through the door Antonio was blocking with his body. "¡Aléjate de la puerta!" There was no point in hiding, Mateo's cries gave them away and the lawmen knew they were both hiding there. (Get away from the door!)

"Javi, Javi, tienes que correr, sal por la ventana y corre..." (You have to run, go out the window and run) His hand held Javier's face so gently and tenderly.

"¡No te dejaré! Nosotros podemos pensar en algo.." (I'm not leaving you! We can think of something..)

Javier shuffled as gently as he could while holding his newborn boy. He was in pain, he was still so tired and weak, and in so much pain still, he became weak and he was stuck in bed for the whole week after Mateo was born but he was awoken by abrupt banging on the door and the wailing of his son.

Now, he had has body pressed hard against the door as Antonio grew too tired to hold it back by himself. There was a look they shared, they both knew only one of them could make it. If they both moved to jump iout the window, the straggler would be shot. And only one of them was holding the baby.

"Está bien, Javier.." Antonio nodded softly, running his fingers across Javier's face. He wiped the tears that were starting to spill, leaving Javier's cheeks wet and stained with tear tracks. "Por favor, cuida a nuestro chico." (It's okay, Javier. Please take care of our boy.)

"¡Abran la maldito puerta, bandidos!" The lawman hollered, a harsh blow against the door nearly got it open, pushing both men forward. Javier had his feet against the bed to push all of his weight to his back, and so did Antonio. (Open the fucking door, bandits!)

Antonio made a promise to Javier months ago, that if anything happened, he would do anything to protect him and their child. He made the hardest decision of his life, but perhaps it was the easiest, he was content with dying so that his family could run. He leaned over and kissed the soft black hair on their baby's head, and then Javier's lips. He paused for a moment when their eyes met, before he pushed Javier away from the door, the pressure on the door becoming unbearable without another person to stop it from opening. Javier turned back only once, seeing Antonio's desperate face just one last time. "Los amo a los dos, mucho. Ve a tu familia.." (I love you both so much. Go to your family..)

"Te amo, Antonio.." He didn't want to leave at all. If Antonio had to die, then so did he. But things were different now they had a baby, another life to look out for. If Antonio was going to give his life for Javier to escape, then he had to make his sacrifice worthwhile.

Javier grabbed the satchel Antonio had stashed under the bed in case of this ever happening, held Mateo against his chest and crawled out through the window. He would've said goodbye just one more time, but Antonio let out a pained yell as the door broke open.

He ran as fast as his feet would take him back to his family's home, it was far from where they were hiding, but his adrenaline was pumping despite the pain he was in and the weak feeling in his body. Time stopped. Gunshots echoed in his ears. It rang out for what felt like forever and just like that, the shouting was over. That could only mean Antonio had been killed.

He hid himself behind a building and sobbed, he screamed and cried along with his son, holding him close. He let out one harsh sob before it reduced to the aching, painful, silent cry, he couldn't even make a sound. It was a day Javier was never going to shake from his brain.

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