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"With John still recovering, I want you to fill his place on guard duty," Dutch said. He didn't want to pressure the new guy into all this daunting work, but having camp being guarded by just Bill, it wasn't safe enough and they needed two men. Arthur was hunting, Hosea and Dutch never did guard duty and John was down, Javier and Bill were the only men able to guard camp, and it'd probably be that way for a while, "Bill is guarding further forward near the path and you'll be closer to camp. That way if anyone does attack, Bill will see first and you can get Mateo somewhere safe first. That sound okay?"

"Yes sir. I only have a small gun, though."

"Glad you mentioned that, we got guns in the lockbox, pick whichever you'd like. Bill takes a repeater so I suggest you should take the same. You know what to do if someone comes into camp that shouldn't be here?"

"Uh...ask who it is, and point the gun?"

"An' then..?"

"Find you, Hosea or Arthur."

"Attaboy, now don't worry about Mateo. John has him in the tent an' he's still sleepin'. Your guarding post is right there, and I'll call you over when food is ready."

He was nervous as hell, he had to admit. He had a job to do, one more important than cleaning pots and clothes. He was guarding a camp of people and he had no idea what he was doing, and he sure as hell didn't wanna be carrying a gun next to Bill Williamson. One wrong comment and he swore he'd blow the mans head off.

But he stood tall like Dutch wanted, this job would get easier over time but his legs became tired already and he was starting to slouch, leaning against the tree out of pure boredom. This was what John did all day, he was bored after ten minutes. He counted flowers, trees, and his brain was so unoccupied it even considered counting blades of grass.

Arthur arrived back at camp an hour after Javier was set on duty, with two rabbits hanging from his horse's saddle and a deer carcass on the back. "Dutch got you on guard duty, huh?" He commented as he rode in, pulling his reins to slow the horse just by Javier, "You know you can walk around a little. You don't have to stand in that spot all day."

"Ah, Arthur, could you check on Mateo for me?"

"Mateo's fine, I get you're protective over him but John won't let him outta his sight. Hell, I think he'd be too scared to lose him with you around and carryin' that gun," Javier gave him a look, "I'll go check on him. You need anythin' else? Water?"

"I'm good, thanks."

Javier took Arthur's word and started wandering around the area Dutch told him to guard, bored out of his damn mind. He turned his back and watched everyone in camp; but Javier's tent opened on the opposite side so he couldn't see into it from where he was. He could see Arthur wandering over and standing there for a few minutes before he entered the tent, emerging with the boy placed on his hip, still in his pajamas.

He looked so sleepy, resting his head on Arthur's shoulder, he was always clingy when he first woke up and now he was starting to warm up to the other gang members, he was clinging to them too.

"Mind if I take him fishin'?" Arthur asked as he brought Mateo to Javier. Javier hid the gun behind himself and stroked his boy's hair, watching him slowly wake up properly, "He looks bored as hell sittin' around here all day."

"I guess."

"Don't worry, he'll be fine with me. I'll keep him away from the water. Just figured he might like to get outta here for a while after we had to move camps. Lotta stress for a little kid."

"Okay...he likes to uh, what's the word? He walks around and he could get lost.."

"I'll keep an eye on him, he won't leave my sight."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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