"Voice of Reasoning" 🖤🤍

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Courtney: "Bey!!!! How are you feeling? 👀"

Beyoncé: "Haven't heard from you all day! 😤"

Courtney: "I was busy....🥺 You ok though?"

Beyoncé: "I guess so...😔"

Courtney: "What's wrong, sweety?"

Beyoncé: "I want to talk to you on the phone...But I know you probably will say you're too busy or something like that..."

Courtney: "I'm about to call you now....."


(Phone call between Coco and Bey)

Beyoncé: "Hello...."

Courtney: "Hey..."

Beyoncé: "Hey....how are you?"

Courtney: "I'm good....Just checking on you. Is your cold getting better?"

Beyoncé: "It is. Thanks to the stuff my momma brought me and the hot toddy Robyn made for me."

Courtney: "You sound so nervous..."

Beyoncé: "I'm more confident when I text. So I hope I don't bore you."

Courtney: "You're not boring me at all. I'm happy to hear the sound of your voice."

Beyoncé: "Your voice sounds a little familiar to me actually..."

Courtney: "Does it?"

Beyoncé: "Yes....Sounds like you're trying to do the same thing I'm doing. Which is not sound too country." (Giggles)

Courtney: (Giggles) "Damn....I can't fool another southern girl, huh?"

Beyoncé: "Not at all...But you kind of sound like Coco Jones. Or am I delusional?"

Courtney: "Don't start with the Coco Jones allegations, Beyoncé!" (Laughs)

Beyoncé: "But you do sound like her a little! I'll leave you alone about it though."

Courtney: "You sound sexy by the way...."

Beyoncé; "Thank you...I can say the same about you. Where are you in the world right now, miss busy traveler?"

Courtney: "I'm in New York. And I'm just now getting a chance to eat something besides the little breakfast sandwich I had at eight o'clock in the morning."

Beyoncé: "Girl you can't be forgetting to eat! That means you haven't had anything in over twelve hours!"

Courtney: "I know that's not good. I gotta do better. But anyway, what you over there doing?"

Beyoncé: "I was over here telling Onika to stop being afraid of falling in love with Robyn. She's never been in love before or even been in a committed relationship before. So this is kind of scary for her. But she just went up to Robyn's room to tell her that she thinks she's ready for a real actual girlfriend."

Courtney: "Oh my God, that's so sweet! And why am I happy for two people that I don't even know?!"

Beyoncé: "Because you love love. Like me."

Courtney: "Yes, I do. And I want something real. I just need a woman who will not be intimidated by my busy career."

Beyoncé: "Well what if you end up with a woman who also needs you to be understanding and not intimidated by her busy career?"

What I Didn't Tell You (Coco Jones/Beyoncé)🏳️‍🌈Where stories live. Discover now