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It was strange having Earl back but still similar. It wasn't like he came in to try scoop us up and play happy families, he just needed somewhere to crash and was only around to sleep and bring people round to get pissed.

"Come on" Billy said as we walked down the school road

"I'm coming god" Ed huffed rolling his eyes

We walked inside and as always, split of in different directions. I walked up to Shola, Izzy and Tonya but for some reason Donte was speaking to them as well.

"Oh hi Jade" Donte said as I reached them

"Dad you know Jade?" Izzy said confused

"Me and your mum went to school with her dad." He said before giving me a look

"Yeah and they weren't friends" I remarked shaking my head

"See you later Iz!" He said walking back to his gross work room

"You okay?" Shola asked me, remembering yesterday

"Yeah" I smiled at her

We all left a-few minutes later and walked down to english, however instead of mrs spratt we were met by the women who had a go at me and Billy yesterday.

"Take your seats!" She said as she stood at the front of the class

"Oh great Mrs Walker is subbing" Tonya groaned as she sat down

"She's no fun" Izzy said to me

"I know, she had a go at me yesterday" I laughed

"Right! I am doing your class as Mrs Spratt is late..." She said before muttering something to her self

"Right open your books and if anyone in the room talks or goes on their phone, automatic after school." She said sternly sitting at the desk

I opened my book and began reading, when 20 minutes later a random girl afew seats over began talking to the kids next to her. Miss shot her head up and looked around.

"Jade Kelly was it?" She said staring right at me

"Yes miss?" I said confused

"Are you trying to be funny? Thats an automatic after school detention for talking!" She exclaimed narrowing her eyes at me

"What? It wasn't me" I said looking around at everyone next to me

"Miss it wasn't her" Tonya exclaimed

"Quite! I know who was talking." She dismissed

"But it wasn't me!" I said ignoring her

"Listen I don't know how things worked at that secure school of yours, but here when a teacher tells you to be quiet, you be quiet!" She exclaimed irritated at me

Everyone in the class turned to face me, she had just told everyone. Izzy, Tonya, Caz and Shola stared upset and sympathetic for me, but I wasn't upset i was angry.

"You wanna know what it was like in GreenHill? Fine." I said standing up

"Jade Kelly sit down!" She said angrily

I grabbed my book and threw it on the floor before flipping the table over. I grabbed my bag and stormed to the front of the classroom.

"Live up to the stereotype now?" I exclaimed before walking out the classroom

I wandered around the hallways until I bumped into Mr Casey.

We had a meeting yesterday which was rather boring and mostly consisted of "Im here for you" And "You got this!" But he seemed pretty nice.

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