s8 ep 2 : part 2

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-Monday 8:00am-

I was walking to school when I saw Chloe.
"Chlo" I walked to her
"Hey" she said
"Hi when did you get back? " I asked
"Last night "
"Why didn't you call" I said
"I didn't think we were all besties for the resties still. " she laughed
" oh of course yeah" I said

We went into english class and Chloe sat on the opposite side of me to what addi did. We were the first ones in so she could get to her seat before anyone questioned her.
Taylor and Sophie walked in and looked at each other but didn't say anything.
"Those two aren't close any more huh? " she asked
"We didn't just disconnect with you Chloe we all disconnected. " I said
"Oh ok "
"There's Holly" I said "oh and when there's a Holly there's a lost puppy. Oh there she is" I pointed at Aimee
"That's hefty Holly?" Chloe looked surprised " that's beyond a glow up I don't even have words for it. "
I laughed.
"Morning class" miss Dilaurentis said "so Shakespeare. Can anyone remember anything about him? "
Chloe raised her hand and leant over to me and whispered "she won't choose me because I've had time of so I'm pretending I know it"
"Ummm Chloe go ahead and answer"
"Oh ummm" she looked puzzled
I whispered "Romeo and Juliet "
"Oh aha Romeo and Juliet " Chloe said
"Yes well done grace"
"Miss? I answered not grace? " Chloe said
"I'm not stupid Chloe" miss said
The door knocked.
"Come in Hope" Miss said
"Thanks" Hope grunted
"Woah she's gorgeous" I said to Chloe
"Be careful not to get in her way though" she said to me
Summer looked at Chloe and then looked at Neve as if they knew something nobody else did.

After class Gavin took me into the closet and started to kiss me.
"Get of" I pushed him away
"What's wrong? "
"I'm not your pet" I said
"I know your not. You're my girlfriend." He said
"So stop acting like I am. " I said "we're done"
I walked out and went to dinner.
Hope walked in alone and then got her food and disappeared. She didn't come to the rest of her lessons.

-week later-

It was finally Addi's funeral.
I walked to the church entrance with my parents and saw Chloe and her mum. I hugged her she we both walked in.
"Hello girls so glad you could make it." Addisons mum said
"Wouldn't miss it for the world" Chloe said
"There's a row at the front for some of you" she said
We walked there to see Summer, Neve, Hope and Holly already sat there.
"Hey guys" Chloe said
"Hey chlo" Neve said
"Hi everyone I'm Grace we didn't talk much because you guys fell out with Holly and the others. " I said
"We didn't just fall out with them. " summer snapped "we all fell apart remember? "
"Well not really I only joined a few weeks ago. " I said
"What are you even doing here. " Hope said
"Well Addison was my best friend. " I said
"For a day? " Hope said
"Yes" I said
I sat next to Chloe and waited for it all to be over.

We were all sat at the brew and we were speaking nicely together. It didn't feel right though but it was great to see them all together like I did in pictures.
A police man came to our table.
"I need you all to come into the station tomorrow and file some reports. " he said
"But when she died we did them all" Neve said
"Someone pushed her out the window on purpose and I suspect it was one of you guys. " he said
Then he walked away and we all looked at each other.
Then our phones bleeped.
"It wasn't only me getting weird messages right? " Summer said
"No I got a few " hope said
"I got one " Holly said
"Same " me and neve said
"Chloe did you? " summer said
"I got lots. " Chloe said

We looked at the message at the same time and read it out
'It isn't over yet not until you all suffer in a miserable way
We all shook with fear and looked around to see if we could see anyone looking suspicious.

-next day-

I woke up and went for a jog before school starts. Sweat dripping, heart beating, this was the best feeling ever. Knowing there's some sort of stalker beyond you feeling strong after a jog is a really feel feeling.

I rang was walking to school when someone drove past. *BEEP BEEP* I looked in the car and saw Sophie.
"Come in" she said
"Oh are you sure?"
"Of course" she said

We finally got there and Hope started to give me dirty looks.
"What? " I asked her
"You hanging around with her. " she said
"She's a good friend" I said
"Her brothers a pervert" she said
"Wait who" I said
"Zack Nelson" she whispered
She then pointed at him and told me
"Their parents died and they both got sent to foster parents Sophie got treated nicely but Zack got made to work hard and not stop until it was all done. "
"I feel bad for him" I said
"Don't." Hope said

At dinner we sat outside to save people from asking lots of questions but everyone followed us out. Then the policeman came to us.
"Holly Drake come with me please" he said
"What why just me? " she said
"Just come" he said

She went with him with a scared expression on her face.

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