2. The Game

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The next day i woke up at 11 eleven but i wasn't really in the mode to do anything. At 7pm Barcelona has a match and i promised the boys that i would go but honestly i just wanna take a long bath and sleep for a week. Anyways i was scrolling on tik tok for so many hours it was already 5pm. I got up to take a shower and do my skincare. When i finished i sat on my vanity and did my makeup. I don't do much, just a little bit of lipgloss and mascara. I wore my blue jeans and Pedri's jersey because i already owned one. I also owned Gavi's jersey but Pedri was kind of my favourite (don't tell Gavi i said that). It was 6:30 and my brother was literally screaming at me to get downstairs.

5 minutes later:

We were finally at Camp Nou and we were heading at our seats. Our seats were pretty closed to the field so i could easily see the players. I didn't know if they would recognise me but i really hoped so. I was so excited because football is a safe place for me and being at Camp Nou was literally like being home.

20 Minutes later:

The players came out of the changing rooms because it was  time to warm up and i felt kind of weird seeing them in person after literally talking to them. While they were walking they were waving at the crowd, then my eyes were on Gavi. He was looking at me. OMG. He was for real looking at me. Then he started walking towards me. I was kind of freaking out but i played it cool. Now he was right in front of me.


"Uhm hi" i said

"you're Y/n right"

"yes and you're Pablo"

"Pablo, not gavi? that's new haha"

"I mean i prefer Pablo, if it bothers you i won't call you that"

"No, no don't worry, i like it when people call me Pablo and not Gavi. Only the fans call me Gavi"

"Yeah haha"

then pedri was coming our way.

"Pedri hey i found Y/n" Gavi said

"Omg hi y/n, i'm so happy i met you in person"

"Pedri hii!"

"wait you're wearing my jersey?"

"hahaha yes i am"

"omg yes! we're practically siblings now, mi hermana"

"you were kind of my favourite since you started playing"


"pedri hermano chill haha"

"so i'm not your favourite huh?"

"mhm not really" i chuckled

"alright we'll see about that"

"yeah gavi whatever"

i was obviously being sarcastic but that was so funny.

"alright i'm gonna leave to warm up and gavi you should come too, xavi might bench you last minute if he's in a mood"

"yeah i'll be there in a minute"

"bye pedri, good luck"

"bye y/n and thanks! i'll see you after the game right?"

"yeah sure"

pedri then left and gavi was looking at me.

"You should probably go"

"yeah i should, i'll see you later tho right?"

"for sure"

"next time you're coming here with my jersey btw"

"you wish"

"yeah wherever, you'll come with my jersey whether you like it or not"

of course he was being sarcastic and not serious.

"yeah whatever makes you sleep better at night"

"say whatever you want, just know that you'll be here with my jersey"

"hm yeah, good luck Pablo"

"thank you y/n"

then he left because he couldn't stay any longer, he had to warm up.

Time skip:

It was the 80 minute now and Pedri had the ball and then he passed to Gavi which finally ended into the net. He did he's classic celebration, he kissed the barcelona badge and then all the boys were hugging. As they were walking back to their positions he turned around and looked at me and smiled. Okay that was cute i'm not going to lie.

Later on:

The game finished and i had to go home even tho i promised Pedri and Gavi i would wait for them. As i walking walking someone grabbed my hand and i almost scream. Thankfully it was Gavi. Ben then turned around and was freaking out when he saw him.

"Leaving so early?" gavi said

"i have to go home and i didn't know where i could find you so yeah"

"just wait a bit pedri will be here in a minute too"

"OMG PABLO GAVI OMG" ben was jumping from happiness right now.

"Hi buddy what's your name?"

"that's my little brother ben, he's 16 and right now he's acting like a baby"

"oh shut up Y/n"

"haha nice to meet you ben"

"nice to meet you too, wait how do you know my sister"

"uhm long story but i do haha"

"sorry for asking this but can you please sign my jersey?"

"of course buddy"

Gavi was signing Ben's shirt when Pedri came too.

"Hey Y/n, thanks for waiting for me guys"

"yeah of course"

" wanna grab dinner and chill at my house?" pedri asked

"uhm i have to take Ben home first and then sure"

"i can drive him if you want and then go straight up to my house"

"that would be amazing thank you"

We dropped Ben at our house and then we were driving at Pedri's house, i realised that Gavi was looking at me through the mirror and i didn't really know why but didn't really care at the same time. Then after five minutes we arrived at Pedri's house which was huge and also he didn't live too far away from me. That was good because if we wanted to hang out more i could easily come over or he could do the same. I didn't know if Gavi was living with him or somewhere else alone.

Author's Note:

sorry for not being able to undate a lot but it's summer and i'm almost never home, i literally wrote this while i was out with my friends. also english is not my first language so don't judge any mistakes. Hope you like this i'll update as soon as i can❤️

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