Chapter 01

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"Yah eomma, why are you always blaming me? That fucking bitch is the one who started it first. She thought that I'm flirting with her boyfriend. But one little thing she didn't know is that son of a bitch is the one who started flirting with me," Haesoo said as she crossed her arms.

"First of all, watch your language, young lady. Second of all, I don't care who started it first, but you should have ignored her," Haesoo's mom said as she turned to Haesoo.

"Aargh, whatever!" Haesoo stormed off to her room and locked the door. She was seething with anger, and in her frustration, she began hitting her head against the wall.

"That stupid bitch," she said while jumping onto the bed.

"Yah Haesoo!! Open the door!!" Her older brother, Hanseul, heard the commotion and knocked on her door.

"Leave me alone!!!" Haesoo yelled from inside the room as she is sitting on the bed.

"I won't leave until you open the damn door. Come on Haesoo-yah!!" Hanseul insisted.

She sighed heavily and opened the door. And Hanseul is standing in front of her while giving her a death glare. She gave a death glare to him too.

"If you came here to blame me, you may as well leave " Haesoo retorted.

But Hanseul went into the room and sat on the bed while signaling to Haesoo to sit too. She sighed and sat beside her brother.

"What happened today?" He asked while crossing his arms. Haesoo remained silent, looking down, unwilling to share her troubles.

"Yah Choi Haesoo! Tell me what happened. Did you get into a fight again?"

"Yes, I did! So what?! And yeah, you are right! It's all my fault. I'm the one who is being a bitch!! Aaargh," she shouted, pulling at her hair in frustration.

"I didn't say anything. Calm down Haesoo-ya," Her brother tried to console her, patting her back gently. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, Haesoo broke down in tears.

"Hey hey. Don't cry. I know it's hard for you. But mom is getting stressed lately, and you've been getting into fights at school. Now she has to come to school once or twice a week."

Haesoo's anger turned to sadness as she continued to sob. "Why does everyone only see one side of me?" She questioned, shaking with emotion. She covered her face in despair.

"I know you and-" Hanseul started.

"YOU DON'T KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT ME!!!" Haesoo yelled at him. She tried her best to control herself. But she failed.

"I'm the one who is struggling with my life. So how could you possibly know me? No one knows how hard I'm trying to do my best. And above all, I'm being a disappointment. You don't know about my pain because I'm the one who is getting bullied, not you-"

"Wait- YOU ARE GETTING BULLIED!!" Hanseul suddenly stood up from the bed. Haesoo is avoiding eye contact because she is trying hard not to cry.

"Forget about it. Now leave me alone," she told her brother as she pointed to the door. But Hanseul didn't dare to move.

"Why- why didn't you tell me about it? I'm- I'm your brother, Haesoo."

"What would you have done if I did? Punch them? Do you think that would solve anything? Hell nah, man." She chuckled bitterly.

"But- but Haesoo, you should have told me. You should have told me about your problems. Why- just why did you keep them to yourself and endure the pain alone?"

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