Chapter 08

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In the days following the roller coaster confession, Haesoo found herself in a state of introspection. While the roller coaster had provided an unexpected twist to her day at the amusement park, she didn't want to rush into a decision about her feelings for Hyunjin. It was essential to give the matter the thoughtful consideration it deserved.

As Haesoo navigated her daily routines, she couldn't help but replay that heart-pounding moment on the roller coaster in her mind. Hyunjin's confession had taken her by surprise, and she admired his courage in baring his feelings. However, she knew that emotions, like roller coasters, could be unpredictable.

In the library, surrounded by the comforting scent of old books and the soft rustling of pages, Haesoo found solace. She had always turned to books when seeking answers or a moment of clarity. Today was no different. With a pile of books on the table, she tried to lose herself in their pages, hoping they would provide a distraction from the whirlwind of emotions she had been experiencing.

However, as she read the words on the pages, her mind kept drifting back to that roller coaster ride and Hyunjin's heartfelt confession. It was as if the characters in the books were echoing the sentiments she was grappling with.

One book in particular, a novel about love and the complexities of human emotions, seemed to resonate with her. The author's words spoke of the unpredictability of love, how it could sweep you off your feet when you least expected it, much like a roller coaster's sudden twists and turns.

As she lost herself in her thoughts, someone came and cleared his throat. Haesoo spun around to find Felix standing there.

"Felix," she said, her surprise evident in her voice. "What brings you to the library?"

Felix smiled warmly. "I thought I'd find you here. You've been quiet since the amusement park, and I wanted to check in on you."

Haesoo appreciated his concern. She closed the book she had been reading and gestured to the seat across from her. "Thanks, Felix. I've just been doing some thinking."

Felix took the offered seat and leaned forward, his expression sincere. "About what happened on the roller coaster?"

Haesoo nodded. "Yes. Hyunjin's confession caught me off guard, and I want to make sure I handle it thoughtfully. I don't want to hurt him, but I also don't want to rush into anything."

Felix nodded in understanding. "That's a wise approach, Haesoo. Emotions are complicated, and it's important to be true to your feelings. Take all the time you need."

Haesoo appreciated his supportive words. "Thank you, Felix. I appreciate your understanding."

Felix's smile remained gentle. "Of course, Haesoo. I care about both of you, and I want you both to be happy. So, what do you think about Hyunjin?"

Haesoo gazed at the book on the table for a moment before turning her attention back to Felix. "I think Hyunjin is a wonderful person," she began thoughtfully. "He's kind, considerate, and he always makes me laugh. We have a lot in common, and spending time with him has been a lot of fun."

Felix nodded, his expression encouraging. "That sounds like the foundation of a great relationship."

"It does," Haesoo agreed. "But I also want to be sure of my own feelings. Sometimes, it takes time to truly understand what's in your heart, especially when you're caught off guard."

Felix leaned back in his chair, his gaze thoughtful. "I completely understand, Haesoo. It's important to be sure about your own feelings before taking any big steps. And remember, there's no rush. Love, like a good book, unfolds at its own pace."

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