Chapter 09

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Unbeknownst to them, Felix stood at a distance, hidden from their view, watching this intimate moment. His heart ached as he witnessed Haesoo and Hyunjin in each other's arms. While he had always been a steadfast friend to Haesoo, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. It was becoming increasingly clear to him that his own feelings for Haesoo ran deeper than friendship.

Felix knew that seeing Haesoo with Hyunjin tugged at his heartstrings, but he also understood that she deserved happiness and support. His love for her was sincere, and he couldn't bear to see her hurt or uncomfortable. So, he silently made a promise to himself that he would continue to be there for Haesoo, regardless of how she chose to navigate her feelings.

After a while, Haesoo and Hyunjin reluctantly pulled away from their embrace. Haesoo's eyes met Felix's as they turned around, and she could sense a mix of emotions in his gaze.

"Felix," Haesoo said softly, her voice filled with concern. "Are you okay?"

Felix offered a small, reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Haesoo. I'm just glad you're okay."

As Felix spoke those words, his heartache was buried deep beneath his reassuring smile. He had always been the kind of person who put others' happiness before his own, and this moment was no exception. He knew that his feelings for Haesoo ran deep, but he also knew that she needed his support now more than ever.

Haesoo nodded, her gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you, Felix. You've been such a great friend to me."

Felix's smile remained, but his eyes revealed a flicker of sadness as he replied, "You're welcome, Haesoo. Your happiness means a lot to me."

Hyunjin, who had been observing the exchange, sensed the undercurrent of emotions between Haesoo and Felix. He admired Felix's unwavering support for Haesoo and respected their friendship. At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Felix's feelings than met the eye.

Clearing his throat, Hyunjin decided to address the situation delicately. "I think we should go to the class now." Hyunjin stood up from the bench.

Haesoo and Felix both nodded in agreement, and they slowly got up from the bench. The tranquil garden had provided a brief respite from their complex emotions, but it was time to return to the realities of school life.

As they walked towards the classroom building, Felix fell into step beside Haesoo, his heart still heavy with unspoken emotions. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had missed his chance to express his true feelings, and watching Haesoo and Hyunjin together had only intensified his longing.

On the way to the classroom, Hyunjin's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He couldn't help but replay Haesoo's response to his confession in his mind. Her words, "Hyunjin, I appreciate your honesty. But I want some time to think about it," echoed in his thoughts.

While he respected Haesoo's need for time and space, it didn't stop him from worrying. Hyunjin cared deeply for Haesoo, and her uncertainty about their relationship left a nagging unease in his heart. He wanted nothing more than for Haesoo to feel the same way about him, but he also knew that love couldn't be rushed.

As they entered the classroom, students couldn't help but notice the whispers and glances directed at Haesoo. The events of the day had evidently reached the ears of their classmates, and rumors had already begun to circulate.

Haesoo, usually composed and focused, felt a sense of discomfort as the eyes of her peers followed her every move. Hyunjin, who had always been attuned to Haesoo's emotions, noticed her unease immediately. He leaned in closer to her and whispered, "Don't mind them. They don't know the full story, and it's not their business."

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