❤️ Reinvigorating Hope ❤️

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You find yourself in a strange room with a group of people. It's wide and spacious, and also dimly lit. The interior design resembles older times, you think. In no way does anything look modern. There's a man with almost unnaturally red hair in the middle. He looks extremely happy to see all of you, which is a bit unsettling to you. You know who he is, you applied for this college after all. Apparently it'd been an established that resembled high school a couple hundred years ago. It's only been around fifty years since they went public with it.

"Hello! Welcome to the Devildom." He smiles.

Weird, it almost feels like this has happened before. Diavolo cheerfully explains rules and customs to the humans and angels present. You'd obviously done your research before applying. It'd become a very popular college in the past ten years. According to your friend, who graduated last year, their experience was interesting. The courses were challenging, but there was plenty of material to get you through it. The professors were incredibly helpful and thoughtful. Even though the vast majority of students were demons, most were incredibly nice and understanding.

Your friend, despite being rather confrontational, only had a handful of encounters with people during their college days. They spent four years here, and they somehow didn't manage to die. You believe your chances to thrive here are high because of that. The tuition is cheaper than most colleges due to the very obvious fact of traveling to another dimension to study with demons. While your family isn't necessarily poor, you aren't swimming in thousands to pay for college either. The education at RAD is top tier, says your friend, and the tuition is cheap.

Considering you have to sell your soul to a regular human college, actually attending a college with demons you want you to sell your soul is an equivalent alternative. Diavolo drones on about the academy, you've seen videos about his extensive monologues. You already know what's to be expected. You did plenty of research and preparation for this. Sure, it's a little uncomfortable to be studying with people who may or may not want to eat you, but the price tags speak for themselves.

Everyone is dismissed after the speech, and you walk to D.D. The abbreviation meaning Dimensional Dormitory. Purgatory Hall is the exclusive dorm for angels, Earthen Hill House is exclusive to humans, and Dimensional Dormitory was created later to be inclusive for humans, angels and demons. You wanted to be housed in E.H.H. but one look at the price for staying there compared to D.D. instantly made you think twice about your decision. Apparently D.D.'s price was halfed due to its inclusivity, and you weren't going to turn down a cheaper housing over something as simple as living with demons and angels.

What's the worst they could do? Kill you?

Okay yeah, that probably is the worst they could do. The question is, would a demon really risk killing you at the cost of Diavolo's wrath? That's a terrifying thing, you've heard. Back when the academy was still in its beta stages a group of demons had killed the human exchange student that was helping the council make the academy more human friendly. According to reports, Diavolo had gotten so angry that the demons were immediately sent to Hell after being stripped of their demonic powers. That was over two hundred years ago, and there has never been another incident since then.

You don't really think it's that serious of a punishment. Humans get in trouble for less and end up with a worser punishment. Maybe demons work differently. It could be that execution isn't drastic to demon compared to removing their power. It doesn't fully make sense to you, but it seems to have spooked all the demons living here.

That's good enough for you.

You find your dorm room and unlock the door with the key you were given at the reception's desk. When you enter, you spot your luggage in the middle of the room. You quietly pack your things away and flop on the bed. You were lucky to apply early enough to be selected for the college. It's gotten so popular that they issued out a letter stating that due to the increased influx of applicants, they would only be able to accept so many students before than ran out of space. You were one of the many that got chosen. You were also one of the firsts who put in a request for a single because you're not too keen on having a roommate.

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