Guess whos alive .13.

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???? Pov: I run out the door as fast as I can, I held my 4th grade school ID in my hand. Sweat runs down my face like the rain drops on a window of a car. I hear my heart pounding in my ears. I can't stop now I have to get further. I run into a convenience store. I pant heavily my legs feel like someone's shooting them. I drop to the ground. Darkness...

3rd pov: the grandma behind the counter looks at the what looks like a 10-13 year old whose sweating like crazy and breathing heavily to the point we're she could hear it. "괜찮으세요?" (gwaenchanh-euseyo?) are you ok? She asked the breathless boy before he collapsed. The grandma called her son down from their apartment above the convenience store. She told him to pick the boy up and put him on the couch.

The grandmas pov: I dig through joons old clothes. (An: that's hers sons name) I take out a hoodie and shorts. I fold them and put them on the ground next to the boy. In the corner of my eye I see something shiny in his hand, it's a school id. 4th grade? He doesn't look like a 4th grader but the photo looks like him, but younger ... wait a minute he looked like he was running from someone. I look at the boys ragged clothes. They looked stretched out and old. I read the school id closely

'Choi eun-duri'

he looks frail, malnourished and beaten,
The numbers popped in my brain, I'm going to wait to see what happened to him first before I call the police
(An: in korea 112 is 911 )

Euns pov: my eyes flutter open the smell of kimchi over rides all my senses. I sit up and look at my surroundings. It's a very cozy environment very grandma like.

"내가 너희에게 옷을 주었고, 그것을 입고 배고프면 와서 먹으라."
(your awake,I gave you clothes, put them on and come eat if your hungry.)

I look down at the clothes on the floor, I take them and change in the bathroom.I look at my clothes there really nice and clean, it feels nice. I walk out of the bathroom and sit down at the table.

"그래서, 괜찮다면 부모님은 어디 계세요?" (so, where are your parents if your ok with me asking) I look at the grandma.

"부모님은 잘 모르겠지만... 납치당했습니다" (my parents well, I don't know... I was kidnapped) my voice was a little shaky when speaking that sentence.

"2년 동안 못 본 것 같아요" (I haven't seen them in 2 years I think) I add. The grandma gives me a warm smile and hands me chopsticks.

"내가 경찰에 전화해서 부모님 집에 데려다 줄까요?" (do you want me to call the police and get you home to your parents?)

I looked up at her and chewed the rest of my food then spoke "제발" (please do)

I sit in the chair, the policemen closes the door behind him and sits in the chair in front of me. "지난 2년 동안 무슨 일이 있었는지, 어떻게 납치되었는지." (what happened in the last 2 years, how did you get kidnapped.) I sigh and look at the ground, I told myself I wouldn't ever go back to that memory.

"그날은 할로윈이었고 엄마가 친구와 트릭 오어 트릿을 하게 했고 그 후 일이 일어났습니다" (it was Halloween, my mom let me trick-or-treat with a friend, and then it happened)

"나는이 여자를 알아 봤습니다. 그녀가 저를 끌어 당기고 엄마가 저를받을 자격이 없다고 말했던 것을 기억합니다." (i recognized this woman I remember she pulled me a side a told me my mom didn't deserve me.)

"그녀는 계속해서 우리 엄마가 창녀이고 혼혈이라고 말했습니다." (she went on to say my mom was a whore, and halfbreed)

"그녀는 내 친구에게서 나를 데려 갔고 그 후 기절 한 사탕을주었습니다." (she took me from my friend and gave me candy I blacked out after that.)

"온몸에 멍이 든 채로 잠에서 깬 기억이 나요" (I remember waking up with bruises All over me)

"나는 내 집에 없었고 다른 곳에 있었다" (i wasn't in my house I was somewhere else)

"그녀는 나를 깨끗하게 하고 성적인 일을 하게 만들었습니다." (she would make me clean and made me do sexual things)

"내가 안된다고 하면 그녀는 나를 펄프로 때린 다음 강간할 것입니다." (when I said no she would beat me to a pulp and then r@pe me)

Gabby's pov: I was just about to go to sleep and then I get a call.  "안녕하세요?" I pick up the phone (hello?) "안녕하세요 경찰입니다 경찰서로 와주셨으면 합니다. 당신은 곤경에 처하지 않습니다. 당신이 여기 오면 우리는 설명할 것입니다" (hello this is the police we would like you to come to the police station. your not in trouble. we will explain when you get here)
And then they hung up. I look at my phone confused. But, it's the police we're talking about it should be ok. I can go out side now, I don't have the blind fold on any more, my vision is just like how it was before.

AN: hehehe cliffhanger 857 words

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