Chapter 6: Can of worms

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All the ninjas are doing daily things. while Lloyd stops to tell them something

Anna just took a shower and wash her hair she put on her ninja gi she had also covered her hair with a towel,when  lloyd came inside the room saying " Hi Anna i saw kai put pink dye in your shampoo he said its just a joke but who knows" 

" Whatever can you get out of my room now " Anna fake a smile and lloyd left she removed the towel from her her hair blonde hair was now pink

" i am going to kill them " she screamed.   

Then the ninja are yelling at each other

Kai shouted at cole " you couldn't just be happy with the top score , you had to rub it all in my face "

Cole shouted at Jay " did you know how long it took me to make that , three days . ' three days ' "

jay shouted at zane " its an unsaid law , don't touch a man's robot "

Zane shouted at kai " how am i supposed to strike fear in this , its pink "

Anna bursted into the room " Kai why did hell did you put pink dye in my shampoo"

"whoa , why are you holding a-- , calm down "  Jay says

"Calm down , calm down " her eyes widened " first , you invade MY room without MY permission , then put who knows what in my shampoo  , OF COURES I SHOULD CALM DOWN , I'm CALM , NOW TELL ME why" Anna shouted

Wu then came in and opened a sliding door to see Lloyd laughing and a bunch of stuff at his feet

All the ninja shouted " YOU DID THIS "

" I'm gonna kill him " Anna whispers to herself

Boys i get first dibs on- " Cole was cut off by Wu " No dibs , i put him up this for today's lesson . i wanted to show you the destructive power of humors and that jumping into conclusions can only lead to trouble . Did you ever think to find out if the accusations were true "

"uh , no offense , sensei ,  but let me jump to this conclusion , todays lesson is lame " Cole says

"Yeah , why can't you teach us to paralyze your enemy with one finger ? or find out if a man is lying by the twitch of his nose " Jay said

" because not all lessons are about fighting and I misplaced my lesson book " Wu says

Anna walked up to Lloyd and took it " you mean this lesson book?" she give it to Wu "

'' it was the perfect plan until you had to show up and mess--" lloyd says as Cole closes the door

then nya's voice came over the PA and said " if your done folling around , i could use you guys on the bridge , we do still have a snake problem . over and out "

kai then said " its one thing to let the son of you nemesis live with you , but having my sister here? i mean come on i thought this was a ninja headquarters  ."

Nya on the PA " you do know, can hear you. over and out

Kai looked down as Anna said " busted "

The ninja made it to the bridge as nya was standing in front of the map " last we heard of pythor , he stole the map of Dens from lloyd , and now on his way to open the last two serpentine tombs

Ugh , don't remind me  " Lloyd said

Pythor's our most dangerous threat . if he find those toms before we do  with his intellect and all four tribes unleashed , there's no telling what he'll do " wu says

he's not that smart  " Anna scoffed

"But those tombs could be anywhere . without the map we might just throw darts at a map " jay said

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