Taking responsibility pt4

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Description- Dallas as a Teenager

I stormed into the kitchen and grabbed some whiskey and a glass

"I can't stand him at times." Billy looked up and smiled at me

"Why?" I rolled my eyes at him and took a drink of my whiskey

"He's such and asshole. You can't even talk to him without him being a douche bag. He can't stand me, Billy." I sat down next to Billy and laid my head in my arms

"I don't think he's that hard to talk to. Usually he starts conversation with me." I looked at Billy and shook my head

"That's great Billy. He's your best friend while he's my enemy. I say hey to him and he gets an attitude, I tell him I love him and he gets an attitude. I wish he was as sweet as he used to be. He used to run up to me and hug me, now I can't even remember the last time he hugged me." I heard little footsteps behind us so I turned around to see Aria and she had her coloring book in her hands

"Look mommy." She handed me the coloring book and where she's only six it was colored way out of the lines but it was still very pretty

"Sweetie this looks so good." I showed Billy and he smiled and nodded

Dallas walked downstairs and went to get the keys to the Camaro that Billy stupidly gave him

"Where are you going?" He looked over at me and rolled his eyes before leaving the house

"Will you talk to him? Please?" Billy gave me a kiss on the head then nodded his

"Yeah, I'll talk to him." I gave him a smile then I stood up off my stool and picked up Aria

"Are you ready for bed?" She nodded her head then laid it on my shoulder then I took her upstairs to lay her down for the night

~time skip~
(Billy's POV)

While Aria and (Y/n) went to sleep I stayed up and waited for Dallas so I could talk to him

When he walked through the door he looked around and got startled when he saw me

"Jesus, dad you scared me. I gotta get upstairs don't tell mom but I got a girl waiting for me up there." I shook my head at him and stood up

"Come here I want to talk to you." He looked confused but he still came over and sat down "Do you hate your mother?"

"Why are you even asking me that? Of course I love her it's just she's such a pushover." I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him

"And you're such an ass to her. Do you even know what's she's been through for you?" He looked up at me and shook his head

"No, but what could she have possibly went through for me that is so bad?" It hurt me to hear him talk about her this way especially because she cares about him so much

"Her family abandoned her when they found out. She was only twenty one about to be a single mother and they didn't care. They only cared about keeping a good reputation for the family name. When she told me she didn't even want me to be there because she wanted me to have a life. She didn't care if she had to get an extra job or take care of her baby while waiting on tables. And she was fully aware of what her life would be but she never gave up on you. She kept you, I stayed because I didn't like the fact I'd be living my life while some girl I had a one night stand with was busting her ass with my baby. When she got pregnant she barely had enough money for herself let alone a baby that needs constant care, diapers, a bassinet, a crib, formula. She was willing to let herself go, willing to let herself starve so that you can have a good life. Yeah I stayed and helped with everything. But your mom loves you so much and it hurts her so badly when you treat her the way you do. She's terrified to get onto you and set rules with you cause she's scared of you. All she wants is for her son to treat her with respect and love her the way she loves you. And she fucking deserves respect after what she's been through. She would give up everything for you when she knows you probably give up nothing for her." Dallas was tearing up because he didn't know any of that because we never told him the truth to protect him

"I didn't know that." I nodded my head and stood up off the couch

"Yeah, we'll now that you know the truth. You're grounded, I want the keys to the Camaro, and your hook up out of the house." He nodded and handed me the car keys before going upstairs and I laughed a little bit at the girl he brought downstairs and took outside

"God if you're gonna hook up with someone at least hook up with a girl that has some dignity." Dallas smiled at me and we walked upstairs

"Yeah, she's a little bit older though." I smirked at him and shook my head

"God you are exactly like how I was at your age." He went in his room and when I got to mine I saw (Y/n) sitting on the bed reading a book

"I thought you were asleep?" She looked up and shook her head then gave me a kiss

"No, I couldn't sleep. I was worried about Dallas and where he was. Is he home?" I smiled and nodded my head

"Yeah, I told him everything. He seemed like he has some more respect for you now after that. Oh yeah and he's grounded, so don't let him go to any parties or whore houses." She gave me a hug and a kiss

"Thank you. I love you." She crawled into my lap and started to kiss my neck

There was a knock on the door so I quickly pushed (Y/n) off of me and aria slowly walked through the door

((Y/n)'s POV)

"Mommy!" Aria ran over to me so I picked her up and sat her on my lap

"What's wrong?" She buried her face into my chest and tightly hugged me

"I had bad dream. Dal tried to calm me down but I wanted you." Dallas might not always be the perfect son or the nicest person but he's never failed to be a good big brother

"It's okay, it was just a dream. Dreams can't hurt you remember." I kissed her on the head and moved some of her dirty blonde curls out of her face

I laid down on the bed and Aria laid face down on top of me with her head turned towards Billy

"I love you, mommy. I love you daddy." I smiled and gave her another kiss on the head while holding her tightly

"Will you promise me that when you get older you'll never stop loving me." She smiled and nodded her head

"I promise." I smiled and hugged her tightly until we fell asleep

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