(part 2 chapter 8) WE MEET AGAIN

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(very short since im lazy)

When I yelled at him to watch out he looked up at me confused as im still
tied in his webs.

nezuko fell on the ground, as i watched the scene.

'She used her breathing style right?' i started processing then notice rui again

" Huh?'' he looked up to see Rui putting his own head back on

''you really thought you could decapetate my head off?''

''i cut my head off myself, before you could 'decapetate' me''

''stop crawling now. i kill you both you and your sister and keep that girl.''

'Can someone just let me get the heck down bi-' my thoughts got interupted by seeing
webs all around Tanjiro.

''TANJIRO!'' I tried getting out the threads but it just digs into my sin more

thats when i see a mismatched haori, knowing who it was.

'Are you fricking kidding me.' i sweat drop looking at the scene

''you did a good job holding up till i go-'' he stopped as he looked up noticing me in
the air

''Y/n-chan what are you doing here?'' he asked concerned as i just start sweating beads
thinking of an excuse to use.

''W-well i-'' i tried to think of something when Tanjiro helped me with it

''I sent her here... Because i needed help untill i notice that there was
more company arriving..'' i give him a thank you smile as he smiled back

''And how exactly do you know eachothe- never mind just leave the rest to me'' he said
annoyed im guessing.

''this insects keep getting in my way! blood demon art: cutting threat rotation'' he aims for giyuu
but those one of his forms

'The hell you calling an insect b!tch?' i look at him unpleased

''total concentration water breathing : 11th form. dead calm.'' the threads that were aim ayt him to
injure him failed.

''the 11th form?'' Tanjiro questions

'' it doesn't matter what technique you use on me!'' he yells out in anger.
but when he saw that his demon art failed to injure him he got lost in his own thought

then Giyuu just cut his head off in one slice

he then jumps up cutting the threads on me as i fall in his

he puts me down as i get up healing the injuries that were caused on my body

''Huh? since when could you do that?'' Giyuu Furrowed his eyebrows,
''since like two days ago but thats not the matter!'' I furrow my this time

He just turns around and stands on rui's clothes as he starts arguing with Tanjiro

i just look into the distance noticing a figure

'Shinobu?-' i just jinxed it as she come into veiw as she tries to hurt nezuko
but Giyuu blocks the attack with his katana

''oh my- Y/n-chan. What are you doing here? aren't you suppose to be at the estate?'' she asked as i just
shrug not really caring now.

i just stand beside Tanjiro and his sister.

''Anyways. Why would you get in my way Tomioka? and after you told
me you could never be friends with demons. And this kind of thing is exactly why no one likes you-''
she stops as she see's me beside Tanjiro defending him from harm

''I'm Sorry Shinobu sensei but i dont want you to harm the two
young siblings. They did nothing but help.'' i say defending the kamado siblings

i look down at Tanjiro as he smiles. i just look back at the insect hashira

''Young boy you do relise that your sisters a demon right? you should get away before you get hurt'' she keeps the smile on her face ''your mistaken. well your not mistaken. she has never harmed anyone in her life!''