ʙᴀɪᴢʜᴜ || 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲

13 2 2

"Live with me forever now..."

Baizhu never really put much thought into having a romantic life. Aside from the fact he always had such a teasing tone, he just couldn't picture himself in a relationship, as he was quite busy most of the time doing his 'testing the limits of the laws of nature' as he would call it. It's a work in progress... Other than that, he was always busy helping patients. Even so, your frequent visits didn't go unnoticed.

At first, it started as minor commissions where you would gather herbs and flowers for the pharmacy, but over time, you began to drop by just to say 'hi'. Qiqi always welcomed your company, especially since you never dropped by without some coconut milk; her favorite Cocogoat milk. You couldn't help but giggle whenever she referred to it as such. Despite the precious little zombie being unable to show emotion, you always noticed the faint sparkling of her eyes when you presented the milk to her.

Peeking his head out from the back of the pharmacy, Baizhu couldn't help but chuckle as he watched you and Qiqi. He proceeded to prepare his medicines for his patients whilst listening in on your conversation with his precious little helper, smiling. Suddenly, the sound of your voice speaking his name sent a small shiver up his spine as his ears grew warm. What's going on with me today? Baizhu questioned himself. He began to examine his own temperature out of concern as his heart raced and his head felt a bit dizzy. But... Nothing was wrong. He was fine.

"Do you like her?" Chengsheng asked, hissing into his ear.

Baizhu couldn't think of an excuse; couldn't come up with a single explanation for his sudden 'illness'. Before he could speak, Qiqi entered and told him that you wanted to see him. He buried his worries with a smile and walked out to tell you that he was still busy preparing medicines. "Oh- but should you still wish to chat, I'll be free in... let's say...an hour? Will that do?" Why did I say that? Baizhu cursed at himself internally, a smile still plastered on his face as he bid you farewell.

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After having killed time slaughtering monsters for an hour, you finally made your way back to Bubu Pharmacy. Your heart was now racing with a new feeling. You liked Baizhu; you've liked him for quite some time. You loved everything about him, from the way he treats Qiqi, to the way he nags all the stubborn people about maintaining proper health. You giggled as those thoughts came into mind. You were so lost in thought that you paid no attention to your surroundings, and you ended up bumping right into the very man invading your mind. Caught off guard as you crashed into him, your feet stumbled out of balance and you swear you were going to fall down the stairs behind you.

Baizhu reached out a hand, stopping your fall and pulling you in, wrapping his other arm around your waist for more security. "You should really pay attention while your walking," he said with a look of concern. "You could've been injured! And it would've been right back to work with me..." He sighed after that last quip.

"I'm...sorry..." You couldn't look him in the eyes. Not only were you genuinely upset for making him worry, Baizhu was holding you so close to him. I don't think he knows... You thought. With a light blush, you looked up at him.

Seeing the look on your face, Baizhu's cheeks had turned a light red as he cleared his throat and led you away from the stairs. Though, he had yet to realize how he never released his embrace as he stared deeply into your [color] eyes. "You have beautiful eyes..." He whispered, and seeing how your face grew even more red, he knew immediately that he'd spoken those words out loud without meaning to.

"I like you, Baizhu!" It was all or nothing. You don't have a clue why you shouted it, but you wanted to get the hard part done with so you could find out where you stand, despite already being held in his arms.

Baizhu's eyes widened in surprise. His heartbeat began to skyrocket, and he had hunch as to how red his face must have been. His breath caught in his throat and he was at a loss for words for the moment. Once the words had settled in, he regained a bit of his composure and smiled warmly. "I like you too, [Name]."

It was your turn to be surprised. Your skipped a beat. You couldn't believe it! Baizhu actually liked you back! All this time, you figured it was just a one way street, but he proved you wrong. You couldn't stop whatever tears came rolling down your cheeks.

"Hey now! What's wrong, [Name]? I didn't mean to upset you..." Baizhu wiped your tears away with his thumb as he leveled his face with yours. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong," he spoke softly. "Have I...upset you?"

You managed to smile through your tears. "I'm not upset," you answered. "I just...wasn't expecting-"

Baizhu put a finger on your lips. "Hush now," he smiled. "You needn't say any more..." With that, he leaned in, waiting for you to pull away. Instead, he watched as your eyes closed and he smiled again as he softly pressed his lips against yours.

"I'm still awake, you know!" Chengsheng spoke.

Both of you flinched, but Baizhu recovered quickly and chuckled after he pulled away. He still had his arms wrapped around you. "I suppose we'll be stuck with a permanent third wheel until her hibernation," he stated in a rather joyful tone. Then, leaning his forehead against yours while interlacing his fingers with your own, he gave you a more valuable confession. "I love you, [Name]," he whispered in his most loving tone, his cheeks flushing with color as he spoke. "You are...by far the most beautiful lady I have ever had the chance of laying my eyes upon. Your natural beauty rivals that of nature itself. [Name]...you are truly one of a kind." Baizhu placed another soft kiss on your lips, and as he did so, he let loose a bunch of glowing green flowers created from his own hands.

You watched as his magic danced around you, and you couldn't stop yourself from twirling with them. You had never seen a Vision used in such a way; it was a new experience, and it was amazing! As you danced and twirled, you somehow ended up back in Baizhu's warm, and loving embrace. He held you close as he smiled.

"Will you stay with me?" He asked. It may be far fetched, and he knew a proposal from the get-go is usually not the best of ideas, but...he just couldn't find it in himself to picture his future without you. Coming to his own conclusion, and making his final decision, he took a knee and held your hand as he looked up into your eyes. "Will you...marry me?"

You were beyond shocked. With a small gasp and watery eyes, you smiled brightly and fell into his embrace once more, hugging him tightly as your arms wrapped around his neck, resting lightly on Chengsheng's body. "Yes!"

Baizhu welcomed the hug and squeezed you, holding you even closer. "I am yours," he whispered. "And you are mine; my precious flower...forever."


Word Count: 1265

Sorry if this seemed short. I'll make the next one longer :>

Hope you liked the opening to my oneshots series! Take care!

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