ᴀʀᴀᴛᴀᴋɪ ɪᴛᴛᴏ || 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠

11 1 4

"Boom clap, the sound of my heart..."

You were never interested in socializing. Even now, you lay with your body sprawled out comfortably on the grass as you watched the blossoming Sakura trees under the light of the morning sun. You loved the quiet; and thanks to your Cryo vision, you're able to create a wall of ice thick enough to keep any unwanted monsters away from you, that is...until your face met with a smooth rock.

"OUCH!" Startled and in pain, you sat up and scanned your protective ice barrier. Your eyes landed on a bulky shadow; too short for a lawachurl, and too tall for a hilichurl. Your only assumption was that it was some moron who thought it'd be funny to throw a rock at someone! "What the hell, man!"

The shadow visibly jumped. "Guys, guys, guys! I think the wall just spoke! Did ya hear it!?"

Peering back down at the rock as you faintly heard the guys whisper amongst themselves, you picked it up. You then punched out that whole section of your wall, huffing in irritation, most of the men squeaked. Without even so much as a second glance, you readied your arm and threw the rock right back at the culprit with all your strength.

The man grunted. "Owwww... HEY! Now that was just uncalled for!" He massaged the wounded part of his head with a wince and a sad sniffle. "A nice... simple... welcoming 'hello' would've gotten the— (Y/N)!?"

"Says the guy who threw a rock at my face!" You crossed your arms and huffed. "Now skedaddle!"

Appalled, the man before you put his hands on his hips. "I'm sorry... skedaddle? What makes you think you can tell me to skedaddle!?" He gave you a huff of his own. Then, bending forward and stomping a leg with a playful growl and a grin, he eyed you up and down. "You're talking to none other than the One and Oni Arataki-Numero Uno-Itto!"

You just stood there with your arms crossed, leaning against the ice with a seemingly unimpressed expression as you raised a brow. "Okay, and?"

Itto shook his head and stood straight once again, his arms tensing up. "What do you mean "and"!? We're the Arataki Gang!"

"Will you go away now?" You asked him bluntly.

"I'm sorry...what?" Itto was appalled as a tic mark appeared on his head.

"I made this wall so I could be alone," you said.

Itto scanned you up and down, as if examining your very being. Once his eyes locked onto yours, he found the same dejection he once felt reflecting in your eyes. With a strangely solemn expression, he made sure his buddies were long gone and pulled you into a hug. "Do you really want that?"

Your eyes had suddenly begun to fill with tears as you melted into his warm embrace. "No..." You whispered as you nuzzled closer to his chest.

With a light chuckle, Itto caressed your head as he held you closer, running his fingers through your hair. "Figured," he sighed with a smile. After a while he let go and took a step back, grinning from ear to ear with his hands on his hips. "Whaddaya say we go have some fu-UUUN!!?"

With a short gasp, you reached out for Itto as he fell backwards, which only made you tumble down with him.

"Man! If it weren't for your stupid ice, I would've been perfectly-" Itto met your gaze once again, your face was so close to his "...fine." He barely managed to finish his sentence as he gulped, feeling heat building up in his cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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