Chapter 4

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Joe was in shock but happy that there's a baby coming, learning that Selena was two months along. The day after that, the gang left. So Joe and Selena went back to the normal routine with the girls. The following week, the New England Patriots had a home game against the Pittsburgh Steelers. Selena was the only one of the family at the game since the girls stayed with her mom. Back to the game, one of Joe's teammates threw the ball to him once he caught it and ran to the end zone and made a touchdown, which made the Patriots win.

As Joe was celebrating his victory, he got tackled to the ground really hard by one of the players from the other team, which caused Joe his leg. All Joe felt was pain. Selena stood in shock and then took off to the medical room in the stadium since Joe needed her. She made it before Joe and stood by the doorway. They rushed Joe in the room.

Selena was nervous, but she knew Joe was strong. Joe was carried into the medical room by two people.

Finally, the hits stopped coming, and all Joe could feel pain.


Joe heard his last name clearly. The first word to become clear in the jumbled noise surrounding him.

It was his coach.

"Coach?" Joe mumbled, starting to regain his bearings from the surprise attack.

"Hey, I need you to tell me where the pain is coming from." His coach commanded, knowing that was what Joe needed.

"Right leg, knee, and lower area. Not my ankle." Joe said clearly, the shock having faded from his system momentarily.

"Anywhere else?"

"Everywhere, but not as bad as my leg."

His coach nodded firmly and watched the med team work.

Joe wasn't entirely sure what they were doing, but he could feel the poking and prodding of his leg. After a few moments, they declared they could safely take him off the field to have his leg checked out in the med room.

The staff had let Selena back here easily had a pass, and they all knew her. For one, the pass let her back here. For two, she was Joe's fiancé and Joe was hurt, and for another point, she was desperate to get back there to her love.

Joe only accepted what help he needed, and even then, it was hard to get him to accept that help.


Joe hadn't seen Selena yet. His eyes were drilling into the ground as he routed all of his focus to getting the medical room. He could get that far and then figure out what was next. He was set on his task. He needed to stay focused and not think about anything else. Not what would happen after... the game... the season... the playoffs... walking...


He needed to stay off any train of thought that was not just getting to the medical room.

His focus was so narrow that he didn't even see Selena when he came in despite the fact that in that moment, all he really wanted was Selena. He just needed Selena. He needed to hear her voice. He didn't care, as long as he had Selena.

Selena followed the staff into the medical room and watched as they put Joe on the treatment table. They took off his sneakers and began working on his pads as Joe stared off into the distance.

Selena gently took his still gloved hand, gaining Joe's attention.

"Selena..." Joe breathed out, finally turning his head.

"It's okay, I am right here." Selena comforted softly and began to take of Joe's glove.

Joe took a deep breath, Selena was next to him. Selena was there; everything was better with Selena.

Selena squeezed his hand tightly and Joe squeezed back.

"Joe, I need you to tell me where it hurts when I touch." One of the med staff said.

Joe nodded and took a deep breath as he waited for the pain.

The athletic trainer gently applied pressure to points along Joe's ankle, Joe expressed no pain, but as he started prodding higher up his leg, the pain came. More severe at certain points, especially around his knee.

"Ok, we need to do some x-rays and an MRI, but first, we need to get the rest of your gear off. Once we do the scans, we will look over the rest of you." Joe nodded.

Selena helped get his jersey off and then helped the others with the padding. Joe was left in just his compression leggings and long sleeve.

Joe had never been happier that the stadium had invested in their own mini medical center, including X-ray and MRI machines, than he was today.

The medical staff helped Joe to the machines while Selena brought his gear to his locker.

Carrying the gear into the locker room, Selena walked over to Joe's slot, and slowly put up his gear. Selena needed to stay calm for Joe. She couldn't be panicked or too worried. She needed to keep a clear head for Joe.

Selena grabbed Joe's hoodie, his matching joggers, and shoes, knowing he would want to change into something more comfortable before they left.

Taking a deep breath, she left the locker room and headed straight into the medical room just before the med staff brought Joe back.

"We need to look at your torso real quick and while the doctor goes over you scans." One of the med staff explained. "Do you need assistance taking off your shirt?"

Joe went to take of his shirt slowly, testing the limits of his pain, he mostly had it, but Selena saw the discomfort inching onto his face and stepped up next to him and helped ease the compression long sleeve off to reveal Joe's toned chest and arms.

Selena eyes ran over Joe's body, normally in admiration, but this time, it was in worry.

Selena was used to the small bruises Joe always had from practices and games, but he had a large bruise on his shoulder and a few on his lower torso.

Selena stepped out of the way of the med staff member but kept her hand in Joe's.

She gently prodded each of the darker bruises, asking Joe for pain levels at each one.

"These are luckily just bruises, no other damage. They will heal up on their own, but will still cause some discomfort, but you will be receiving some pain medication regardless," She explained, taking a step back. "The doctor who was looking over you scans should be in here in a few minutes to discuss your leg."

She smiled softly at the two before leaving them alone.

"Selena... It hurts." Joe admitted, leaning into his fiancé's side.

"I know, JJ, I know." Selena comforted before moving to sit next to Selena on the exam table, allowing him to fully lean against her. Joe turned and buried his face into Selena's neck. "It's gonna be okay, you'll see." Selena rubbed his hand up and down Joe's arm, holding him close.

"I didn't even see the guy coming. I just scored, and then I was suddenly being hit."

Selena nodded, letting Joe speak.

"I don't even know what happened, I was just suddenly feeling pain..." Joe trailed off before shivering as he started to once feel the cold of the stadium.

Selena pulled away slightly, grabbing Joe's hoodie and helping him into it. He could do it himself, but the large bruise on his shoulder caused some serious discomfort. Joe might not have said it, but Selena could see it in his face every time he moved that arm.



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