ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9:ʟɪᴇꜱ

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"How come you siddung yasso by yourself?" Sekani asks sitting in the chair beside me with a cup in his hand.

Avi and I decided to show our faces at the party after Raheem practically come bad we up and I don't know what was going on between them but Avi can't seem to say no to him.

"Nothing just a whole a meditation" I replied and he nodded, taking a sip of his drink.

"Yuh tell him yet?"

Looking over at him confused, he gestures towards his neck hinting at the bruises and I remember our conversation from earlier.

"Not yet" I mumble and he shakes his head.

"Mi ago lowe yuh make yuh decide yuh thing pan yuh own but I strongly advise you to tell him tonight or I will" he says before getting up and my worries seep back in.

Sitting here for a few more minutes before going to join the party, Avi was on the dance floor with Raheem right behind her and I joined them.

Amir came to this one and I have no idea where him and Azai disappeared to and Sekani just approached a short dark-skinned girl who was standing by the bar.

"Girl come we ago do shots" Avi yells over the music before dragging me with her towards the bar.

"Four shots of Tequila" she orders and my eyes widen.

I could barely manage fi nuh get drunk off two sorrel beer and hear weh the lady just ordered.

"Four tequila shot" the bartender says putting them on the counter in front of us.

Each taking two, we threw them back and I gagged at the burning sensation of the liquor going down my throat.

I probably should have eaten something heavier before leaving the house cause that just go dung pan gas.

"Come we ago dance" she says as 'Sidung' by Bayka blasts through the speakers and maybe it was the shots already starting to work but I began to loosen up a bit.

Jiggle my ass and wine my waist, Avi comes behind me slapping my ass and I grind against her before we both started to laugh for no reason whatsoever.

By this point, I was about 5 shots in and I couldn't tell my hands from my feet.

"Alright unuh have enough fun drink this" Amir says handing us both a bottle of water since he was back along with Azai.

The boys spent the last 20 minutes watching us dance as they huddled and talked about who knows what.

Taking a sip of the water, I stumbled over to where Azai was and sat beside him, "You still vex wid me?"

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