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It's never a good sign when Yunjin is woken up at eight in the morning on what is supposed to be her day off by Sooyoung calling her. Repeatedly.

Since Yunjin is the idiot who forgot to put her phone on silent and do not disturb before falling asleep the previous night, the continuous loop of the Pokémon theme song blasting into her ear wakes her up from a great dream involving a pool full of inflatable chairs, the entire South Korea women's national soccer team and, for some reason, King Dodongo from Ocarina of Time.

She mutters a groggy hello into the phone after fishing it out from under her pillow, and she's instantly rewarded with the sound of violent coughing.

"Good morning to you too," Yunjin says dryly once Sooyoung is done hacking up a lung.

"I don't know if Haseul mentioned this to you yesterday, but I'm feeling a bit under the weather," Sooyoung says, pausing to cough again.

Yunjin sighs as she rolls over in bed, visions of her lovely day off lie-in followed by a late breakfast followed by six unbothered hours of Ocarina of Time fading away, since it's already fairly obvious what Sooyoung is calling her for. "You don't say?"

"I know you're meant to be off, but would you be able to do the late manager shift today?"

"I take it none of the others can do it."

"Haseul's doing the opening shift and she can't stay past 4PM cause it's her mom's birthday and they're meant to be going out for dinner, Kahei-unnie either has a date tonight or she's getting Mexican food, I don't know what the taco emoji she sent in response meant and I didn't want to ask, and Kyungri-unnie is still on vacation."

Yunjin rolls back onto her front and screams into her pillow.

"Is that a yes?" Sooyoung asks, and then sneezes five times in a row.

"You better actually be dying," Yunjin says, muffled by her pillow. Sooyoung laughs, which quickly devolves into a wheezing cough that makes Yunjin feel a bit better about the fact she's going to have to get up and out of her nice warm bed, make something for breakfast since she doesn't have time to order something, and then get the subway halfway across Seoul to Gangnam when she could have been parked on her sofa for the entire afternoon getting angry at the Water Temple.

"I might, just to spite you now," Sooyoung says.

"But thank you, I appreciate it. Also there's a new bartender starting today, I told her to come in around five for a few hours as a little trial shift. You can probably just get Jiwoo to show her around and then leave her with Hyeju in the bar, so all you'd have to do is get her to fill out the paperwork and stuff for Kyungri-unnie to deal with when she's back on Thursday." Sooyoung pauses. "Actually, maybe don't let Jiwoo show her around. This new girl is a friend of hers, and you know how Jiwoo is sometimes. When Yena started I overheard Jiwoo showing her the kitchen walk-in and telling her it's where everyone comes when they need to cry."

Yunjin snorts. "Personally I prefer to take my breakdowns in the keg room. But okay, feel better soon, asshole."

"Thanks, bitch," Sooyoung says, sneezes, and then hangs up.

Yunjin groans, sets an alarm for — after a bit of internal debating if her hair can go another day without actually being washed and ultimately deciding that it probably can't — another hour, and closes her eyes.

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