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On Sunday, it's a lot busier than expected. There hadn't been a lot of reservations booked, but there's a lot of walk-ins, and with only Yunjin, Sana, Yena and Chaewon working, they're struggling to keep up.

Yunjin and Sana are looking after the tables, Yena is running both food and drinks, and Chaewon is by herself in the bar. Yunjin glances over at the bar just as she's pressing send on a drinks order for three margaritas — one strawberry, one raspberry, one passionfruit — where a stressed looking Chaewon is shaking something in a cocktail shaker with one hand and garnishing another drink with the other. Behind her, the computer screen that has all the drink checks looks to be approaching two pages.

Yunjin groans, resigning herself to her fate as she turns to Sana. "Will you be alright here if I go and help Chaewon out for a bit with drinks?"

Sana waves her off, straightening up to greet the group of five that have just walked in and are asking if they need a reservation, and Yunjin heads towards the bar.

"Hey," Yunjin says when she gets there, surveying the chaos that the bar usually turns into when there's a constant stream of drinks. "What do you need?"

"Uh," Chaewon glances behind her at the screen, and then winces. "Five negronis? And a sesame mojito."

Yunjin isn't entirely sure what expression she makes, but it's enough to make Chaewon laugh. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. Table 304 ordered six Old Fashioneds earlier, all with different whiskey. I almost cried, even though Sana put I'm sorry in the notes."

Yunjin huffs, reaching for the campari. "I keep telling Haseul she should get rid of the option for guests to choose their own whiskey, but she won't listen to me. Something about excellent customer feedback."

It's busy enough that they don't really have time to chat outside of can you pass the elderflower syrup or I'll get the vodka cranberry and Jack and coke, you get the Cosmo? so Yunjin thankfully doesn't have any real opportunity to say anything stupid, but the bar is narrow and she and Chaewon can't help but bump into and brush up against each other.

Chaewon's shift started over four hours ago and she somehow still smells like her sweet fruity perfume instead of sweat and three different kinds of alcohol, and every time she brushes up against Yunjin and Yunjin breathes her in, she can't help but remember how Chaewon felt pressed up against her on the dancefloor at Wonderland, in the back of the taxi, in Yunjin's bed.

Despite Yunjin's slowly fraying mental stability, they manage to make their way through the seemingly endless list of drinks. Around 8PM it starts to quieten down, and once the last check — three Cosmopolitans and a lychee martini — is poured and garnished and set on a tray for Sana or Yena to come and take to a table, Yunjin is about to leave to check on how the other two are coping when the computer dings with another drink order for table 207: a single whiskey sour.

Chaewon laughs and reaches for the bourbon. Yunjin watches as everything gets poured into the shaker — bourbon, lemon juice, sugar syrup, bitters, foaming agent — and then Chaewon adds a dash of syrup from the jar of maraschino cherries.

"That isn't on our spec list," Yunjin says in amusement. "Is this the secret ingredient to your bragging rights?"

"Emphasis on secret." Chaewon gives her a little sly grin. "I would ask you not to go blabbing to anyone about it, but I think you've proven that you can keep a secret."

The bar lights are dimmed as they normally are in the evenings, but not enough to hide the flush that Yunjin can feel warming her face. Part of Yunjin wishes that Chaewon wouldn't make jokes about it, but another, more shameful part of her likes the little thrill that goes through her whenever Chaewon references that night, usually accompanied by an unsubtle onceover of Yunjin, like Chaewon is refreshing her memory of what Yunjin looks like naked.

Chaewon pours the whiskey sour into a glass of ice, adds a lemon twist and some drops of bitters as a garnish, but before she places it on an empty tray, she picks up two straws, offering one to Yunjin.

"Gotta taste test the drinks before you send them out, right?" Chaewon says, dipping her straw into the drink and then popping it into her mouth. Yunjin tries and fails not to stare at her lips wrapped around the straw as she slowly draws it back out. Tries and fails miserably not to think about Chaewon sucking on her fingers in the back of the taxi, Chaewon's mouth on her chest, the inside of her thighs.

Yunjin swallows, and looks away from Chaewon's terrible ruinous mouth to taste the whiskey sour herself, and it's good. Chaewon, unfortunately, deserves the bragging rights.

"It's good," Yunjin says, somehow managing to keep her voice normal, even as Chaewon's smirk grows. "You're not all talk, Kim Chaewon."

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