♡See you again♥︎

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[Albert's pOv]

As I'm listening to a love song I get an idea for a video, so what do I do? I call up Jake and tell him the plan, then I start recording, and finally we start playing roblox.
'Okay Jake where the HELL ARE YOU!?'
'OK see u soon~~~' I say in a flirty tone but in a joking way obviously. Right? Yeah no I don't like him like that, he's like my best friend why would I like him like that.

"U ok dude? You weren't responding."
'Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?' I said with many things on my mind.
"U sure? Cuz like we don't have to record today if you're not feeling the best."
'Yeah let's just get this video done' I said
Immediately dismissing the question not wanting to make Jake worry about me more than he already is.

-Time skipppp this one is brought to you by Luigi pizza-

"Soooo Albert, say are you free this weekend?"
'I might be, why do you ask?'
"Are you free or not?"
'Like I said I might be, so tell me why you're asking and I'll tell u.'
"Ugh never mind dude."
'Fineeeee. I am free, are you happy now?'
"Yes thanks" he says in a happier tone than just seconds before

"Ok bean man I'm going to sleep I'll text you in the morning"
'But it's only threeeeeeee' I said sadly so I could guilt him into not leaving.
"I doubt you'd be okay with me sleeping on call so I'm gonna leave" he said turning off his camera so I couldn't see his cute tired face... Uh I meannn tired face uh yeahh.
'We can call on the phone instead and we can stay on call, I wouldn't mind.'
"Are you sure?"
'Of course bbg~' I said immediately ruining the mood.
"You are such a loser dude"
'Mmmmh I know' I said with a hint of satisfaction knowing that he'll stay on with me.
*Jake yawns*
"Ok seriously though I have to go to bed I have a long day prepared for me tomorrow."
'Okayyyy goodnightttttt' I say getting off my chair and take off my shirt getting ready for bed.
Then I hear a slight thump from Jake's said of the call, and then I remembered that I left my camera on.
Before turning off my camera I hear Jake say. "You could've taken me to dinner first" with a hint of tiredness to his voice.
'Sorry I forgot my camera was on' I say while feeling heat rise to my face die to my embarrassment.
I hear a mumbled sentence before light breathing.

'Goodnight Jake' I say to the sleeping man on the other side of the call. As soon as I laid down on my bed I brought my phone and listened to Jake's soft snoring before falling asleep as well.

Hihihihihihi people I'm so sorry I haven't updated any this month. I've been busy with soccer and being grounded sooo yeahhhh also my job. But that's less important what's more important is that I'm back and I am posting again!!! Sooo I hope you enjoyed this even the slightest bit as I try to get back into the writing swing of things. Anyways I hope u have an amazing day / night byeeeee.


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