tw abuse


may 7th ray's pov
fuckshit had been doing horrible since beatrice left. he was lost between drugs and alcohol. Before it was all fine because bee was here to tell him when he's had enough. but now, nobody could get him to stop. Why did bee leave? I wish i knew, she never said goodbye or anything. it's been only about 3 months tho so we still hope she'll come back. well fuckshit would hope if he wasn't so doped up all the time.

bee's pov
i miss everyone so fucking much. it had now been 3 months since my father took me away without warning because he wanted to. but thankfully, i had finally managed to get rid of him. it had been 3 months of torture, never ending yelling and hitting finally came to a yield.

after i called him lazy, immeaditiy regretting it, i ran up to my room and called 911 telling them the situation. i couldn't stay on the phone for long tho as he kicked my door down and starting beating me, then he had me in a chokehold i was wriggling and squirming to get out,  but i couldn't, the only thing i saw through my haze was a pair of scissors. before i knew it they were on his jugular and he was on the floor

not s minute later, police knocked on the door. too late bitches.

long story short i'm back with my mom in cali about a month later. people say that's it hard to get over the  death of a close one. i would say not always. i'm glad the bitch is dead and he's not gonna hurt me anymore. i donated his body too science, not bc we don't have money for a burial. mayb the asshole might be good for something.

may 14th
i'd been spending a couple of day smoking and watching family guy to get some rest. perks of going thru something like that, you never have to get out of bed. i look over at my skateboard and reminisce abt my friends. i'll see them soon , i promised to my self. 

may 19th

i finally had the courage, today i'd find my friends. it was 12pm

i threw on a red shirt with loose jeans and made my way to the skate shop hoping i'd find them there. as i walked i had my headphones in, my hands in my pockets, and my gaze on my feet. as i made my way inside i immeaditly recognized the voice of my favorite people "i've been to france, them niggas are assholes" said fuckshit "then you'd get along with them pretty well huh fuckshit?" i asked loud enough for him to hear me
"who tf?!" "bee!!" Ray came up to me first almost tripping and hugged me so hard "missed you baby ray-ray" i said and he said quietly "believe me we've missed you more" then came fourth grade engulfing me in a second hug "good to have you back bee" he said "glad to be back" then of course ruben only dabbed me up. and lastly there was fuckshit who only hugged me, tighter than anyone else and said lowly in my ear "what's up buzz-buzz" his voice almost sounded broken. he hugged me for so long but it only felt like a couple seconds.

we didn't even notice until we heard fourth grade say "so where were you bee?" i pulled away from the embrace and stared at his glossy eyes for a second
"i had to move really suddenly, i'm so srry i didn't have anytime to say goodbye"

before they could ask anymore question i said "y'all trynna go skate?" "obviously dummy" responded ray, i chuckled and skipped over to the back. before i went out, i saw olan throw away his almost full beer, that made me smile. this was my first time skating in those 3 months. as soon as i got on i felt a joy overcome me. fourth grade followed me around with his camera as i did all kinds of tricks. then after a while, i got tired and went to sit next to olan, he immediately put an arm around me

"hi olly"

"hi buzz-buzz"

"how are you olan, what did I miss" i said, smile fading when i saw a bag of pills sticking out of his pocket. he noticed what i was looking at and shoved them back in the depths of his pocket trying to play it off "nothing much buzz" i scoffed and walked off. that was new. pills. seriously?

fuckshit's pov

fuck. shit. that's not dope. i rubbed my temples as she walked Away. i could not explain how bad i felt. i didn't want her to realize how shitty i'd become. because i still love her. yea we used to be a lil something. make outs and whatnot. but i was a better guy back then. maybe i can be that again now that she's here tho. it's hard asf to even think abt not doing them. i saw her staring at me with disappointment as she sat with ruben.
-next day-

we all sat in the shop and bee came in around 2 saying hi to everyone except me, fuck she's so cute i hate it when she's mad at me. we then went to skate out back i was with ray and she was hanging out with fourth grade

"so wtf did you to make her mad now, she only been here for one day bro" he laughed

i looked at him scowling "lil accident don't worry about it"

"yea alright fuckshit" ray said skating away

-beatrice pov

"hey fourth grade what's your biggest pet peeve" i asked skating around with him. it might seem weird to some, but when you get to know me you'll realize that asking random questions is like my love language

"mmm probably people who can't accept they're wrong"

"ooo that's a good one fourth"

"what about you bee?"

"ummm uhhh mm i would probably say, like you know those people who just treat everyone like shit for absolutely no reason, but like they don't like bully you or anything, they just make you feel like shit"

"ohhh yea i get what you're trying to say, i've met people like that before"

"what do you think would be a better color for the sky instead of blue?? i feel like purple or some shit would be cool as fuck"

"oh for sure green"

"nooo fourth grade that's be scary as fuck you'd seriously like that?" i laughed and he started laughing with me

"bitch that'd be cool!!!"

"yea sure!!" 

"ohhh look there's a little kid here" i looked over to a kid sitting by the door he looked sweet asf, he saw me and i waves at him, he waved back

- it was nearing six and i decided to call it a day and hugged ray and fourth grade goodbye, dabbed up ruben and his new friend, and didn't even look at fuckshit who had been with ray when i hugged him. i feel bad but i'm just waiting for him to come to me

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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