Chapter 5

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Their walk with the monkeys was quite peaceful minus Adilynn always wanting this food called burritos. No one knows what that is but Enmalie some how knows. When they got back to their home they found someone laying down on a tree. It looked like a bear or something dangerous. They kept the monkeys back as they slowly stepped towards it. They were right it was a bear. But not only was it a bear their were 2 others. Mama bear daddy bear and baby bear. The bear family was really hungry but after a couple of berry's lilly nathen and the monkeys found out they were really nice and just trying to live. The bears names were Rebecca, James, and Jameson. "Can we stay with you because y'all have an amazing berry supply" Rebecca asked. "Yes you may" lilly replied with a big smile on her face and soon Adilynn and a new bestie Jameson.

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