2. Brace

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He hadn't spotted her at dinner. Human dinner. He'd saw her lugging baskets back and forth from the field into the cooking area just to the side of the cabin, and she'd been the one to serve him whatever the fuck it was on a plate, a pretty smile on her face.

He'd tried it, and he had to admit, it was pretty good.

Her avatar body was in the corner of the cabin, next to Grace's. Her space had been cluttered, compared to his. Loads of little trinkets and clothes and tools scattered.

But when he'd came out of the link, back to reality, back to his wheelchair and out for some real food, she was nowhere to be found.

He had only been a little bit disappointed.

The Colonel had wanted to see him. Miles Quaritch. He'd met up with a woman named Trudy, who flew a chopper for the scientists. His mission had been clarified. Report to Quaritch, pretend to be a scientist. Seemed easy enough.

He was sitting at the breakfast table with Norm, eating some delightful porridge. Couldn't get any better than that. Dr Augustine, Grace, had informed them ten minutes prior that they were going with Trudy in the chopper. He got to have a gun.

He got to be a Marine again.

"Ah, Grace, come on man, please? I'll stay out your way, I promise! I just need to be out for a bit."

Jake scanned the room, looking for the woman. For Mairi. And his eyes landed on her in the doorway, towering over Grace.


Oh, she was even better looking in real life.

Her dark eyes were on Grace, her hands twisted together in front of her. She had brown hair that cascaded down her back, brushing the top of her ass. It was pin straight, and looked ... floaty? He couldn't even describe it. She was wearing a tight, pale pink crop top that had the caption I HEART MY BOYFRIEND(S), and a pair of black cargo pants. Black leather boots that looked military. He could see a tattoo on her belly, the sliver of skin just noticable between the hem of her shirt and her pants. A peek of a one at the neckline, and at the left sleeve.

She was ripped in this form, too. Her shoulders filled out the shirt, the sleeves basically bursting at her biceps. Lean and mean. If he had to take a solid guess, he'd say she was an army brat.

"No, Mairi. It's for the biological matter of the plants, and Norm is an expert at it. Last I checked, you don't have a degree in biology." Grace folded her arms, her face full of annoyance.

"Aw come on, you can't be serious! I understand that better than half the people on this fucking base." Mairi shifted her weight, glancing around the room. He put his head down at the last second, felt her eyes linger on him before moving on. "You're taking the fucking jarhead with you, man. I'll just pop along for some seeds and some teylu." She paused, her fingers going to her bottom lip. "Maybe a yerik if I can find one but that's all!"

She was so obviously talking about him, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. He found her hilarious.

Grace nipped her in the belly, warning in her eyes. "You will not take any yerik, Mairi!"

"So that means I'm coming, right?" Humour flashed in her eyes, and Grace just sighed, waving her hand.

"Fine! Be linked in twenty minutes."

"Thank you, Mammy G." Mairi grabbed Grace's chin and kissed her on the cheek. Grace waved her off, a smile on her face, and left. Jake drew his eyes back to Norm, who'd been luckier in the breakfast department. He got pancakes. Jake would've fucking loved some pancakes.

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