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Context: They're friends.

Place, time, and form: Todd's house, any year, human forms.

Personalities: Henry and Austin are two goofy teenagers.

Henry's P.O.V: 

Austin was filming for an 'interview' with our boss. He was nicer than usual, giving us both a tour of his mansion. We got outside to see a huge nature-themed pool, and I was about to admire the backyard, when Todd handed me a fricking pool net and asked me to scoop the golf balls out of the pool!

"I'm not your personal pool boy!" I yelled in frustration. Todd just stared at me vacantly before walking into a rotunda and grabbing a golf club and some golf balls. He set down the golf balls on the ground, before sending them flying in random directions all over the yard! One went hurtling straight into Austin's leg, sending him crippling over in pain. 

"OW, I'VE BEEN HIT!" he screamed, exaggerating as he fell and rolled around on the grass. I just rolled my eyes and smiled; he was so silly.  

"You two, fetch me the golf balls!" Todd demanded. 

"WE'RE NOT YOUR BUTLERS! GET THEM YOURSELF!" I shot an annoyed glare at him. This was starting to get very frustrating. Todd just went wide-eyed and gestured to the garden.

"Go on." Todd made a shooing motion at Austin and me and I thought I should probably comply. He was my boss after all. 

After many awkward minutes of shoving our heads into swan-shaped bushes and swatting through many branches and flower beds, we found the golf balls and returned them to Todd. 

After a few more tedious rounds of golf, and by that I mean Todd whacked the golf balls into the blue yonder and Austin and I had to suffer while searching for them, Todd went inside to grab a snack.  

Austin and I had throbbing scratches on our legs from all the thorns and sticks and we had dirt under our nails. While Todd was gone, I was sulking crouched over the pool with one hand drawing shapes in the water. The clouds were starting to cover the sun and the nature-themed pool was starting to get boring to look at. 

"You look so sad," Austin said jokingly, looking down at me as I drowned my sorrows and lay on my stomach. He sat down next to me and started filming again. 

Suddenly, Todd came back out and approached us. 

"Hendrason! It's time to go-" He started speaking cheerfully, but I cut him off.

"HENDRASON?!" I exclaimed in astonishment and offence. "HENDRASON?!" I repeated, just as shocked as before. "I ALREADY DON'T LIKE BEING CALLED HENRY, SO YOU COULD AT LEAST RESPECT THAT AND CALL ME THAT INSTEAD OF HENDRASON!" 

By this point Austin was laughing his head off as he fiddled around with the camera, making sure to get the moments on video. 

"Okay, okay!" Todd said, holding his hands out in front of himself, trying to calm me down, but I wasn't stopping there. 

"That's not even my real name!"


"I am just called Henry."

"Okay, Henry. Let's go back to the Limo." 

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