Come home...

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Context: They're enemies but getting better.

Place, time and form: Sam's house, any year, human forms.

Personalities: Canonical personalities. 

3rd person P.O.V:

It had been a few months now. Henry, Austin, Sam and Kyle had all been living together in Sam's house for the most part since Henry and Austin had figured out how to escape the Wii. Henry walked by to grab a glass of water. He and Austin shared a hateful glare across the kitchen, before Henry went back upstairs. 

Once Henry was upstairs, he ran into none other than Kyle. He scowled at him before pushing past him.

"Idiot! You're worthless, you know that?" Kyle snapped and looked Henry straight in the eye.

Something about his words struck a chord within Henry, and he instantly felt tears sting his eyes. Kyle noticed, and his expression instantly became softer. "Oh- No, I'm sorry! Henry?" 

He tried to make it better, but Henry wasn't listening. He stormed out of the door with angry tears streaming down his face. Sam noticed and rushed to the door, seeing Henry leave. 

"Henry! Come back! Oh, now look what you did!" She gave Kyle a stern slap. 

Henry didn't care where he went, but wherever it was, it had to be away from there. 

Even by nighttime, he hadn't returned, and Sam and Kyle started to get worried. Even Austin was worried. The night was dangerous, and Henry hadn't returned.

"Please, Henry, come back!"  Sam texted him frantically.

"I'm sorry! You'd better run, the night is dangerous!" Kyle also texted him.

Henry was too angry to care. 

"Whatever! I don't need you! I'll be just fine by myself." He replied and shut his phone off, running further from the house.

By the next night, Henry still hadn't returned. Sam, Kyle and Austin were all really worried.

Last night, Henry had been beaten up by some gang members, and yet he still didn't return. By nighttime again, Sam, Kyle and Austin were all waiting in anticipation in the kitchen. 

"I'm gonna have a shower..." Kyle said, and he left. Austin was beginning to lose hope that Henry would come back that night, so he left too. Sam sat there in despair, waiting for something to happen. 

Suddenly, someone walked through the door. 

It was Henry. 

Sam just looked at him with a tired expression on her face. She hadn't slept all night. Henry looked at her, trying to stay calm, when he dropped his bag and burst into tears, rushing in to hug her. 

"I missed you guys..." he muttered, and Sam just smiled and embraced him more as the others eventually came down and joined the hug as well.

"We missed you too."

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