V - Fresh Air

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It's past seven in the evening and Suzy's classes and practical training just ended. When she went out the walls of Yonsei University's College of Medicine building, she noticed a familiar figure waiting a few meters far from where she stood.

It was Joohyuk. He was looking down, as if studying the concrete ground he's currently standing on. Suzy was surprised by his presence, not expecting him to wait for her there.

Within seconds, Joohyuk lifted his head, just at the right moment where his gaze perfectly caught hers.

He flashed her a huge smile, one that reached his eyes. He had that mischievous twinkle in his gaze that made Suzy's heart skip a beat.

"His reaction," Suzy muttered to herself. "Is he that happy to see me?" She thought, finding it hard to not let her lips curve into a smile.

She continued walking further from the doors she had just left, and closer to the man waiting for her. Joohyuk did the same, his feet bringing him closer to where Suzy is.

And there, they met. Standing next to each other in the middle of the drop off area.

"Have you been studying since morning?" he asked worriedly, concern etched on his handsome face. "You haven't eaten yet, have you?" he asked again, his voice laced with genuine care.

Suzy couldn't help but chuckle at his overprotective nature. "My last meal was lunch," she replied, her stomach growling in agreement.

Without missing a beat, Joohyuk smiled at her and handed her a Subway sandwich. "I knew it. Aigo, you need to take better care of yourself, Suzy," he said playfully.

She accepted the sandwich he offered and took a bite. The taste of the cold cuts and fresh vegetables filled her mouth, momentarily distracting her from the intensity of Joohyuk's gaze. Suzy couldn't deny that his concern for her well-being was endearing. She swallowed the food and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Wow, Joohyuk," she said playfully, "I didn't know you were my personal nutritionist now."

He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Well, someone has to make sure you're not running on empty," he replied sheepishly.

Suzy just grinned at him before taking another bite of the sandwich.

"So... do you have plans tonight? Or are you in a hurry to go home?" Joohyuk asked, hoping he will be given a chance to spend a little more time with her.

"Well," she began, drawing out the word lightheartedly, "I was planning on going home and binge-watching a new K-drama while eating ice cream straight from the tub." She took another bite of the sandwich and chewed thoughtfully.

"But," she continued with a sly smile, "I suppose I could be persuaded to change my plans."

Joohyuk's face lit up at her response. He stood straight, trying to appear nonchalant even though his heart was racing. "Oh? And what would it take to convince you?"

Suzy raised an eyebrow teasingly. "How about a challenge? If you can beat me at air hockey at that arcade down the street," she pointed towards the brightly lit sign of an arcade not too far from their sight, "then I'll postpone my cozy night at home a little later."

Joohyuk grinned confidently. He loved a good challenge and wasn't one to back down easily. "You're on," he declared playfully.

With that, they both finished their sandwiches quickly and headed towards the arcade together. The evening air felt cool against their skin as they walked side by side, sharing playful banter along the way.

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