IX - Succor

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As the weeks went by, Joohyuk found himself caught in a whirlwind of responsibilities and obligations. Between his demanding schedule at the architecture firm where he interned, his coursework at university, and his ongoing scale model project, he felt like he was juggling a dozen plates at once.

Each day seemed to blend into the next, with barely a moment to catch his breath. And amidst the chaos, Joohyuk couldn't shake the feeling of overwhelm that threatened to consume him.

One evening, as he sat hunched over his desk at home, meticulously gluing together miniature pieces for the scale model, Joohyuk felt a sense of exhaustion wash over him. His eyes burned with fatigue, and his fingers trembled with exhaustion as he struggled to focus on the task at hand.

The pressure of the looming deadline weighed heavily on his shoulders, and try as he might, Joohyuk couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that gnawed at him from within.

With a heavy sigh, he set down the tiny piece he had been working on and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. His mind raced with thoughts of all the things he needed to do — the presentations he had to prepare, the assignments he had yet to complete, the scale model project that seemed to stretch on endlessly.

Just then, his phone buzzed with a notification, interrupting his train of thought. With a weary sigh, Joohyuk reached for his phone and saw a message from Suzy.

"Gwenchana?" Suzy's message read, her words filled with concern. "You seem really stressed lately. Is everything okay?"

As Joohyuk read the message, a wave of gratitude washed over him. Despite the distance between them, Suzy had a way of sensing when something was wrong — of reaching out to him in his darkest moments and offering a ray of light amidst the chaos.

With a sigh, Joohyuk typed out a response to Suzy, his fingers moving slowly over the screen as he struggled to find the words to express his feelings.

"I'm just overwhelmed with everything right now," he admitted. "The scale model project is taking up so much of my time, and I feel like I'm drowning in work. I don't know how to balance everything anymore."

As he hit send, Joohyuk felt a weight lift off his shoulders. It was a relief to finally be honest about his struggles, to admit that he wasn't Superman and that he needed help.

Moments later, Suzy's reply came through, her words filled with warmth and understanding.

"I'm here for you," she wrote. "You don't have to go through this alone. Let's meet up tomorrow and talk about it. We'll figure out a way to lighten your load together."

Reading Suzy's message, Joohyuk felt a surge of gratitude wash over him. In that moment, he realized that he didn't have to bear the weight of his burdens alone — that he had someone by his side who cared for him deeply and was willing to offer support in his time of need.

With a renewed sense of hope in his heart, Joohyuk set aside his worries for the night and allowed himself to rest. Tomorrow will be a new day, full of possibilities and opportunities to find balance amidst the chaos.

- - -

The next day, having only two classes and accomplishing a return demonstration, Suzy made her way to the architecture building. After their conversation last night, they talked about meeting up yet they did not really plan on the details. And so, here she is, headed towards a place in the campus where Joohyuk could be found, not minding the dimming rays of the sun as it slowly sets in the backdrop.

She passed by some other seniors carrying T-squares and canisters with them, their tote bags heavy with drafting materials. Some of them could be Joohyuk's blockmates, yet she frowned at the thought that he is not one of these students already heading home. He might be staying late inside the campus, just like what she had already predicted.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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