Introduction & generator

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Ok, hi there. :)

I did this because I was bored, so don't expect much of it. As I already said I probably won't update regularly, but lets see what happens.

Many of the things you see in here might be calculated by a generator I created... also out of boredom. It's great for creative people to do things like this, since you can put in whatever you like and yeah. It by far isn't perfect, and only consists of the things I prefer to draw (most of the time), abd the longer I look at it the more things I want to add. But you don't have to use everything you roll, I too sometimes (often) skip the criteria I'm not in the mood for, so it's ok.

Grab your DnD dices (or use the internet); this is it:

1. Human
2. Elf
3. dwarf
4. Halfling/Hobbit
5. Goblin/Gnom
6. Orc
7. Alien (roll on accessoires for potential references)
8. God/Demigod

Skintone (colour of your choosing)
1,2 light
3,4 the middle
5,6 dark

Hair texture
1 straight
2 wavy
3 curled
4 frizzy

1 very short
2 short
3 chin-length
4 shoulder-length
5 chest-length
6 hip-/waist-length
7 knee-length
8 floor-length

1 white/light blonde
2 darker blonde/light brown
3 orange/red
4 dark red/dark brown
5 silver/grey
6 black/blue
7 light green/dark green
8 pink/purple

Facial/skin "accessories"
1 nothing
2 freckles
3 acne
4 scars
5 band-aids
6 birthmarks

1 blue
2 green
3 brown
4 grey
5 black/dark brown
6 other (-> roll on haircolours/colours of your choosing)
7 two-colored (roll again)
8 colourless/empty

1 gigantic
2 tall
3 normal
4 small

Body type
1 scrawny
2 agile
3 plus-sized
4 thin
5 muscular
6 dad-bod/bear

1 poor
2 not that good
3 middle-class
4 rich

1 baby
2 toddler
3 child
4 teenager
5 juvenile
6 young adult
7 adult
8 middle aged
9 old
10 very old
11 impossibly old
12 beginning of the universe old

Clothingstyle/time period
1 "normal" (what would be appropriate for the time/charakter/
2 distant future
3 today
4 2000
5 Noire
6 1970
7 1920
8 19th century
9 18th century
10 17th century

1 student (roll again)
2 teacher
3 thief/burglar
4 police officer
5 smith
6 craftsman
7 cook
8 artist
9 historian
10 warrior
11 forester
12 hunter
13 seaman/shipwright
14 monk
15 druid/healer
16 magician/wizard
17 farmer
18 weaver/tailor
19 inventor/scientist
20 noble

Mood/personality trait/looks
1 aggressive
2 sad
3 active
4 dreamy
5 creative
6 busy
7 happy
8 scared
9 focused
10 greedy
11 intelligent
12 dangerous
13 grossed out
14 bored
15 in love
16 ruthless
17 in terror
18 squeamish
19 mindful
20 mysterious

Accessoires/other stuff (can always be rolled more than once)
1 purse
2 boots
3 latexdress (i swear if you make this work you deserve the title "highest entity of art" X])
4 goblet
5 bag
6 saddle
7 brooch
8 amulet
9 veil
10 table
11 bottle
12 shovel
13 star
14 (mobile) phone
15 sweets
16 plantseeds
17 hologram
18 alchemy-set
19 data-crystal (or something. future technology to save data)
20 comet
21 portalgun
22 garden
23 cave
24 storage
25 book
26 making something (roll again)
27 periodic table
28 writing utensils
29 teleporter
30 cloak
31 flipchart
32 waterfall
33 horse
34 hat
35 helmet
36 armour
37 weapon
38 amplifier
39 flat (as in a place you live in)
40 dog
41 chicken
42 goat
43 eagle
44 magpie
45 raven/crow
46 backpack
47 survival-kit
48 healing utensils
49 wounded
50 feast
51 designerclothes
52 old radio
53 Gameboy (the little handheld-console by nintendo)
54 hammock
55 skeleton
56 small animal
57 insect
58 plasma
59 ice
60 fire
61 water
62 earth
63 air
64 apron
65 maid-outfit
66 camera
67 soapdispenser
68 fire-extinguisher
69 glass
70 precious metal(s)
71 key(s)
72 jewellery
73 cow
74 camel
75 elephant
76 wilderness
77 market-place
78 umbrella
79 tower
80 shady corners
81 monster
82 volcano
83 forest
84 mountian
85 snow
86 lamp
87 gemstones
88 shield
89 clock
90 home
91 prison
92 eraser
93 machine
94 paper/leaf
95 cloth
96 scaffold
97 mobile device (car, bike, scooter, etc)
98 clostet o.s.
99 picture/poster
100 treasure

So have fun drawing and reading my rambling for my own drawings.

Enjoy :D

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