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In the morning I woke up to the sun shining through my window. I groan and sit up, I grab my phone to see a message from Will.

"Hey, our next practice is this Saturday at 10am"
"Alright. I'll be there"

I send a quick response and set a reminder on my phone, i then stand up and walk into the bathroom, I take a shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed, throwing on a simple PAD! band tee and blue jeans. Then I sit at my desk and work on my school work, seeing as I'm already behind, I should probably get some work done today. I get about half way done with my paper when I get a text, so I grab my phone.

"Hey! Wanna hang with me and Will today?"
"Sure, where and when?"
"My house, and whenever"

I guess no work getting done for me. I stand up and slip on my shoes, and grab my bag. I make my way out my house, and towards his house, I've decided I'm walking today. Once I make it to his house I knock on the door, and he answers.
"You made it!" He smiles and leads me inside.
"Mhm" i smile
He leads me to his game room, where Wilbur is sitting, playing Minecraft on a Tv. I sit next to him.
"Hi!" I smile
"Oh, hey!" He doesn't look away from the screen.
Tommy grabs another controller and starts playing with him, i just sit and watch, they are both very good at the game.
"How are you guys so good?" I laugh
"We play in front of thousands of people- so we kinda have to be" Wilbur smiles as he's chasing Tommy's character around.
My eyes widen "really?"
"Yeah! We are streamers!" Tommy laughs.
"I knew you where a streamer Tommy- but I didn't know Wilbur is one" I smile
"Yeah, I do a lot if Minecraft stuff" he laughs.
"You can joins us" Tommy holds up a controller for me, and we spend the rest of the day playing Minecraft and chatting.

—— Saturday ——

The sun shining through the window woke me up as usual. Today is the practice day. I sit up and yawn. I get dressed in my 'Five Finger Death Punch' band tee with some black jeans. I grab my bag and hop on the Tube line, heading to the studio. Once I get there I walk into the main studio, seeing Wilbur, Ash, and Joe setting up.
"Sorry I'm a bit late" i smile
"That's alright, just glad you made it" Will smiles
"Good to see you again" Joe nods towards me.
Ash nods to me as he tunes his guitar. I grab my drum sticks out of my bag and walk over to the drum set.
"What are we playing today?" I smile
"It's called, 'The Fall'" Wilbur hands me a paper with the notes on it, I put my ear plugs in and wait as everyone gets to there spots.
Wilbur starts singing the lyrics as we play. "Under the weight of a broken nose"
"It's not that simple, but he won't seem to notice"
"There must be more to this"
"So leave those sink estates, and let's book a holiday"
"We're painting all the counties in blue"
After we've played for awhile, we stop and take a break. Ash has gone to the store to get us some snacks, and Joe and Wilbur are currently screaming lyrics at each other. I sit on the floor in front of the drums laughing as they yell random songs at each other. I'm having so much fun. After a bit, Ash comes back, with candy and crisps. I grab some gummies out of my bag and eat a few.
"Thanks Ash!" Wilbur seems super happy, as he grabs some chocolate.
"Yeah! Thanks" Joe repeats, grabbing a bag of crisps.
Ash nods at the two and walks over to me, he hands me some twisters
"Oh- thanks Ash" I smile and take them, he nods at me and grabs himself a bag of cheese crisps.
After our little break, we get back to practicing, playing a few new songs and replaying 'Sex Sells'. It's now about 3pm, and we all decide to call it a day. As I'm putting my stuff back into my bag, Wilbur walks over to me.
"Hey" he leans against the wall next to where I'm crouched
"Hey" I smile up at him
"Your doing great" he smiles softly and kneels down next to me
"Thanks" I smile
"I'm glad you decided to join us" he hands me some new drum sticks, they are all black and look awesome.
"I- thank you" I take them and feel them in my hands
"No problem" he smiles and stands up again, holding out his hand to help me up.
I take his hand (which is surprisingly soft) and stand up.
"Thank you, really. I'm glad I joined" I smile and start walking away, I call over my shoulder "Bye guys! See you Tuesday"
"Bye, Haven!" Joe shouts as I walk out.
I can feel Wilbur's eyes on me as I walk out. Maybe I won't regret this. On my ride home, I can help but think about Wilbur, his deep brown eyes and fluffy hair. His hands where very soft. And he's really kind. Once I'm home I get on my computer and work on some of my papers that are due soon. As I'm working my mind keeps drifting to Wilbur's eyes. The way his glasses fit his face perfectly. He looks like he belongs in a cafe, or some cottage core crap. I groans as I realize I'm not getting much work done. So I head to my kitchen, as I'm looking through the fridge I find some chips and warm them up. I take them back to my desk and snack on them as I work. After awhile I realize it's getting dark, so I change into pajamas, and climb into bed. As I drift into sleep my mind drifts off to Wilbur again. And I dream about his deep brown eyes.

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