chapter 37

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{Hello everyone my exam went great let see how will my marks 😉

I  decide first i will complete Roman and Keith then lava and if I get free time so I will translate nan mac 2 . Is it ok to everyone

Now let's start new chapter} and 38 chapter is published by mistake so please don't try to open it ok


Then he took Keith to his office. But before Tharn came in, he had an argument with one of the cabaret artist stars here, the other side takes a hit and can't argue with it. However, Keith did not interfere in that fight because he knew that Tharn could handle it.

"Sorry to make you see this," Tharn said with a smile after leading Keith into the office. Keith looked around and saw that in the office there was a desk, a large board on the wall to write about work. In a corner of the room lay a mannequin in a dress for the show.

"Okay, I understand every industry, every society that has to deal with so many people. It's no wonder some people don't like their faces," Keith said with a smile before sitting down on the sofa in Tharn's office. It is a glass window that has a curtain to close that now is not closed but, nevertheless, it makes the environment look like a work room.

"It's not easy to control so many people," Tharn said with a smile.

"By the way, has P'Tharn ever been on stage?" Keith asked curiously. Tharn smiled slightly.

"Yeah, before it got to this point. I started as a small support member of the show, starting out as a help boy with various jobs around here before the previous owner, and he let me perform a few shows and then promoted me until I take care of everything," Tharn said briefly to Keith. Keith knew that before Tharn was the way he is today he had to go through a lot.

"That's why you love this place. Do you love this profession?" Keith asked Tharn. Tharn nodded, and told the story of the performances of the people who participated in the show here, Keith also asked a few questions.

"Ah, I think Keith you should go see the show. That's it. I should come out and meet you Keith later after the show is over," Tharn said, because he had to take care of everything.

"Yes," Keith replied before Tharn walked out of the office with Keith.

"P'Tharn, who is this handsome man? Please introduce." The voice of the actor who was dressed as a Drag Queen asked smiling. they come to ask smiling shyly in line.

"I can introduce you, but it is recommended not to intertwine. You can't have a relationship, this person is very strong," Tharn said with a smile, letting Keith know that this group is friendly, and very close to Tharn.

"Oh, is that what P'Tharn's landlord is like?" The other party sneered at him, and then made a disgusted face.

"He's a friend of Ares," Tharn said, causing everyone to get goosebumps.

"Probably strong," the other person said, smirking a little. Something Keith thought about before Tharn introduces Keith as his own underling. And apologizing to take Keith to the front of the dressing room then Ares's men take Keith to the VIP area where Roman and Ares are waiting.

"How are you doing?" Asked Ares when he saw Keith walk, he comes to sit next to Roman.

"Pretty chaotic," Keith said with a smile before telling Ares what had happened, immediately making Ares's face tense up, though he probably doesn't intervene when Tharn hits someone who's bad-mouthing, but not that it doesn't help. Tharn at all, help by going to Ares's room.

"I'll take care of that," Ares said, and Keith smiled slightly. then he explored around and sat and talked with Roman and Ares until the show started. Keith was quite amazed. Didn't think this show was well invested in scenes like spectacular costumes, situations intermingle including singing, lip syncing, plays including comedians until the show ended.

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