3 \\ Who was that??

31 1 3

!!Not my art!!

~ Melone pov ~

Everything was calm in the shop, i was talking with Narancia at the register while ofcours Bruno and Leone were flirting in the back, the calm was interrupted by someone walking in the shop, it was a blond dude with purple eyes and green suit. " Fugo! Its nice to see you again " Narancia said runing towards the dude " hey nara, its been a while since i saw you " they huged for the gayest amont of time.

When they let go of each other they started talking while i just space out, well i was spacing out until someone came up to me " Hello, sorry to bother but could you help me pick some flowers? " this voice, i slowly look up and saw him again " oh yea i can help"

I get out of behind the register and start to look around until i found the ones i was looking for " here, they're my favorite hope you'll like them " i get some and show them to him " they look really beautiful " not as beautiful as you i tell to my self " oh by the way you're Ghiaccio right? " i say as we go to the register " yea, i am " he say looking straight in my eyes " well then thank you for the flowers yesterday " he just smiled, he looked beautiful.

After he finished paying for his flowers and writing on a little card again he then start to leave but stop and turn around to ask me " what's your name? " he said that with the most beautiful smile i have ever seen
" it's Melone " i say returning the smile " well see you next time, Melone " he's gonna make me melt! "y- Yea see you " im pretty sure i was red at this moment.

Right after he left Narancia came next to me and asked " dude, who was that? " i look at him still red " that was Ghiaccio " i stop talking to think then i look Narancia in the eyes "Nara, I think  im in love " he was about to talk but got cut of by the dude called Fugo
" Goodbye Nara, see you soon " Narancia quickly run to him and hug him tight and let go " byee, i hope we'll see again quickly! " he sounded so happy.

After Fugo left i came next to Narancia and this time i was the one to ask " and who might that be?? " i said raising a brow " that's Fugo, My friend! " he said happily " only your friend?? " i teased him a little " don't tease me! " he gently hit my shoulder "ok ok, well im also gonna go see you tomorow " i quickly get my stuff and left.


Today i finished early, when i left the shop i look down and see flowers again, i smile instantly i pick them up and drive home. When i arrived baby was waiting for me to pat him, i put the flowers down next to the others from yesterday and quickly pick up baby to pat him then i start reading the little note that was with the flowers.

" i loved your makeup today and here a little gift ******* -Ghiaccio<3 " is that really his number? I'll see tomorow when i'll wake up, right now im just gonna sleep. I quickly get ready for bed and went to sleep.


Its still a bit short but here you go
hope you like it guys

Well byee<33

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