Morning Sickness

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It was a wonderful day at the I-Am house. Pinkie Pie is sleeping with her wonderful boyfriend, Sam-I-Am. She was cuddling in his arms, very comfortable. But her dream journey came to a stop when she felt something wrong with her stomach. She woke up, face turned green, holding her tummy before got up from the couch bed and ran to the sink before turning on the water and starts throwing up.

Sam waking up, felt emptiness underneath his arm. He opened his eyes and find no Pinkie. He got up and heard someone was throwing up. Sam looked to see Pinkie throwing up in the sink. He walks up to his girlfriend and asked while rubbing her back, "Are you okay, Cotton?" Pinkie raised her head a little while groaned, "My tummy is killing me. I must've ate something that was funny and I didn't know." Sam said, "I don't think I remember eating something that wasn't good."

Feeling her stomach groaning, Pinkie's face turned green again and threw up in the sink. Sam pulls her hair back, not to get it near her mouth. He suggested, "Maybe you should go see the doctor." Pinkie declined, "No worries, Sam. I'll be alright. I'll feel better in no time."

Turns out that Pinkie stops throwing up this afternoon. Sam felt so glad that his Cotton Candy is feeling better. Unfortunately when it was next morning, Pinkie starts throwing up. Having enough of refusal, Sam called a doctor and asked for appointment. He asked the Equestria girls to take Pinkie to a doctor's office.

Few days past and the girls bring Pinkie to the doctor's office. Once Pinkie was called, the Equestria goes to the office and waits for the doctor to come. The doctor came and checks on Pinkie to see what was wrong with her.

Minutes went on during Pinkie's checkup. After pee and blood samples, the doctor told the girls that he will check on the samples soon and will call Twilight or Sunset if he found something interesting, bad, or not.

Equestria girls returned to I-Am house and told Sam that the doctor will called them for the results. Sam agrees and hopefully will get his answers soon. The girls, Pinkie Pie included returned to their home world.

Few days passes by and still waiting for Pinkie's results on her stomachaching. The Equestria girls were hanging out in the music room, waiting for the call. Pinkie gets very nervous and scared that nothing's dangerous that will harm her. She hates to see her boyfriend to get very depressed about an awful news. The girls were trying to calmed her down and kept telling her the positives. But she was too scared to think about anything else. Not even treats can help her.

Twilight's phone rang and she answered it. "Hello? Hello, doctor." She listened in the doctor from the phone. She then started to get very worried. "How is it? Is Pinkie going to be okay?" Twilight listened some more and she sighed in relieved. The next news made Twilight dropped her phone.

Twilight just standing in her place. Frozen. Not moving at all. The Equestria girls are getting very nervous and worried. Hoping nothing is too serious about Pinkie's health. Sunset walks up to her friend and called, "Twilight? Twilight? Twilight Sparkle!" She shaking Twilight to get her to snap out. But she hasn't flinched.

The girls are trying to get her back to her senses. "Twilight? Are you okay?" "What happened?" "What did the doctor say?" "Earth to Twilight Sparkle! Wake up!" "Am I going to be fine?" "What's going on? Is everything okay?" Twilight slowly turned her head to Pinkie.

Out of nowhere, Twilight suddenly hugged Pinkie, with tears coming out. But, those doesn't look like a sad tears. They're happy? With joy?

The girls stares at Twilight strange. Rarity asked, "Twilight, darling, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" Rainbow asked, "Is Pinkie going to be alright?" Twilight said still hugging and still crying, "Oh, Pinkie's going to be alright. Both of them are!" The girls are still confused on what she said.

Applejack asked, "Both of them? What do you mean both?" Sunset who was putting something together. She doesn't remember someone else has a same problem as Pinkie's. Unless she could be thinking about...

Sunset then gasped in surprised. "Is she...? Is Pinkie Pie actually...?" She asked getting excited. Twilight nodded and told the rest of her friends. "Yes! Pinkie Pie, you are...  Having a baby!" Five girls gasped in shocked.

Pinkie cannot believe it. She's having a baby? An actual baby growing inside her belly? She placed her hands on her stomach, couldn't actually believe it.

"I'm...pregnant?" Pinkie whispers. Twilight nodded and said, "You are. You and Sam-I-Am are going to be parents!" No words coming out from Pinkie's mouth yet. Until, it did. "I'm having a baby..."

Pinkie's lips starts to move up, all the way to hits her cheeks. "I'm having a baby!" Four more are starting to smile big before turns into a squealing in excitement. The Equestria girls joined together in a group hug and jumping up and down. "A baby! A baby!" "You're having a baby!" "Congratulations, Pinkie Pie!" "We're so happy for you." "Wait until Sam hears about this!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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