Chapter Three

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Amy's POV:

Today wasn't my day. Last night wasn't my night. This week wasn't my week.

Three words.

Three words was all it took to send me over the edge and burst into tears, I cried all night. I used all the tissues on the bedside table, I used my five pack of tissues in my hand luggage and I used all the toilet roll in my bathroom.

I cried so much that after looking for tissues for 15 minutes, and finding nothing. I used one of the girl's nappies.

"Fuck it." I say sadly, as I put the nappy over my face.


Louis' POV:

After getting to the hotel where Amy and the girls were staying at, I booked myself a room. It was on the same floor as Amy's and a couple rooms down. I couldn't get the room next door, it wouldn't be right and it was already in use anyway. Tossers.

I got in and showered. My mind has been going back and forth for the past week. I barely ate, I couldn't really sleep, mainly because Amy wasn't beside me, I hadn't said goodnight to the girls, I hadn't heard or seen them.

I just wanted to see Amy. See her smile, hear her laugh. I just want to hug her tightly and never let her go, promise her that I'm still the person that she fell in love with, I'm still the person she married, I'm still the person she had children, I'm still the person that is still and always will be madly in love with her.

I just wanted to see my girls. I wanted to see Adalyn's grin, which has two tiny bottom teeth. I wanted to hear her laugh and watch her be herself. I wanted to see Evelyn, my tiny little girl. Her toothless grin and her squeaky laugh.

I needed to see them. I needed too.

I can't go another day without seeing my girls.

Amy's POV:

"And this one." I cooed to Adalyn as I put her shoe on. "There we go." I say and poke her nose. Adalyn smiles up at me and touches her own nose.

I leave her on my bed and put the iPad in front of her, "you watch Peppa Pig while mummy changes Evelyn okay?" I say to her as I pick Evelyn up from their den.

"Where's mummy's cuddle this morning?" I say and cuddle Evelyn. "Did you have a good sleep?" I say wiping her crusty nose and some sleepies out of her eyes.

I lay her down on the changing mat and change her nappy. I put her baby pink vest on and go and get her tutu as well as another top.

I pull up her white and gold polka dot tights and put her pink tutu on. "Tutu." Adalyn chimes looking up from the iPad. "I know, and you've got one too." I smile and point to hers.

I put Evelyn's top on and a little wool cardigan and look down at her. "Well aren't you the cutest baby ever." I say and lean down to kiss her. "And your sister is too, isn't she."

I put Evelyn's shoes on and stand her up. I get them both into their pushchair and get their nappy bags ready.

"It's hard being on your own with you two." I say to myself. I look at them both and smile, they are my world but I hate doing this alone, this week has been the worst. It's like the girls know something is up. They want their dad so much and I'm not enough for them at times. It's hard when they're screaming at the top of their lungs for something I can't give them.


I had to be strong for them, and I needed to be strong for myself.


"This is very pretty isn't it?" I say to the girls as they look at me and watch my every move. "Now do I get one for both of you or mix and match?" I say again to the girls.

"I'll get the same as you two are basically the same." I say to myself, more than the girls and put them over the stroller

After an hour or so of wondering pointlessly around the shop, I decide I've had enough of the looks from most people and decide to go and pay. I queue in the line and wait for what seems like forever. I finally get to where I want to be, standing in front of a lovely young man, handing him my credit card.

As I wait for the transaction to go through I look over the pushchair to see two sleeping angels. I look back up to see the young man looking at the girls too.

"Don't let them fool you, butter couldn't melt with these two when they're fast asleep." I say to him. "It's when they are awake, and playing who can cry the loudest to piss mummy off game. That's when the fun starts." I say to him hinting that I am joking with a laugh.

"Don't have kids." I say taking my card out of the machine. "Bye." I smile and quickly leave so I can get across the busiest road in London, just to get to a coffee shop where I can finally have some 'mummy time'.

Just a few hours of quietness while I drink my hot chocolate.

Just a little bit of me time to watch my two girls sleep peacefully and somehow think of what I'm going to do from now on.

Just a little bit of time to sit down and breathe.

Just a little bit of hearing the door open and people gasping and Adalyn and Evelyn both waking up whinging?

Wait what?

I pull myself out of my daydream and look at the girls as they look at me with sad faces. "What's the matter?" I say to them and look to where their eyes are going.

I turn around and look up to a familiar face. A face I thought I wouldn't see again, or at least so soon.

((HELLO EVERYONE! Sorry it has been sooooo long!! Let me know what you think of this chapter? I'll be writing more very soon!! How are you all?))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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