- Chapter Two

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Louis’ POV:

I grew up with four sisters, I learnt a lot about girly things, like periods and hormones. I would hear all about the fairy tales and how girls act when they think they’re ‘in love’. It was kind of ridiculous how much they went into everything. But then, girls thought everything out, they knew how many children they wanted by the age of four, they knew exactly what their prince charming looked like by the age of five, and they knew how they wanted their wedding and life to be ever since they were six.

I never believed in love or even love at first sight, but when I first met Amy, I knew. I knew deep down that I was going to marry her, have a life with her.

I don’t know what it was but something, somewhere in my body tingled with these sensations that I’ve never felt before and I just knew.


I don’t know what I’ve done.

That’s what I keep telling everyone. I don’t know what I was doing, I don’t know what I’ve done, and I don’t know what to do.

I fucked up big time. I was just so angry for a moment and ruined everything. My marriage, my daughters love for me, Amy’s love for me. Everything.

I want to find Amy, tell her how sorry I am, just apologise for everything. I made so many mistakes and I don’t know how to fix them.

I want to see my girls. I miss them, their faces and their laughs. I miss Amy, her touch, her smell, her kisses. I miss her so much. But I know, by just apologising it won’t work, I can’t win her over like that, she won’t accept it.

I know where she’s gone, I don’t understand why she went that far away, but I understand the reasoning behind why she left. Her husband turned into a monster. A husband she couldn’t stand to be around anymore.

I finished packing the last of my things and put my bag by the door. Lola is staying with my mum for a while. I told her everything and got a complete bollocking from her. She thankfully told me what to do and how to make it up to Amy.

I put the tickets in my pocket along with my phone and the picture of the hotel Amy is staying at. The media went crazy when she came waltzing out of LAX with the girls. And because there was no sign of me, they went even further with pressing questions, shouting things and assuming the worst. Yes it was somehow, a little true what they were guessing and thinking, but no one has told anyone anything, as it all happened so quickly.

After I got off the plane, and took my first couple of steps on the new soil of Los Angeles, I knew in my mind what I had to do.

First thing: get some sleep

Second: eat something

Third: shower

Fourth: find my girls

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