Chapter Twenty-Eight

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     Gunwook's heart pounded in his chest like a relentless drum, the sound echoing in his ears as he stared in disbelief at the unfolding scene before him. His breaths came in shallow gasps, and a cold sweat formed on his forehead. 

His hands trembled uncontrollably, rendering him unable to take any action. He felt paralyzed, as if time had slowed down, while he watched helplessly as Yujin, his closest friend and the person he swore to protect, was taken away right before his eyes.

The memory of that fateful moment replayed in his mind, haunting him. Yujin's eyes met his for a brief moment, a silent plea for help hidden behind the fear that gripped them. Gunwook could do nothing but watch, feeling like a spectator to his own failure.

In that harrowing moment, he felt the crushing weight of responsibility on his shoulders, the weight of the promises he had made to protect his loved ones. He was supposed to be their guardian, their shield against the darkness of the world they lived in. Yet, in this critical moment, he had been rendered powerless.

Tears welled up in his eyes, but he fought them back, refusing to break down in the face of this catastrophe.

Gunwook's heart sank even deeper as he came to the grim realization that he knew exactly who was responsible for his abduction. 

That knowledge weighed heavily on him, adding a layer of complexity and danger to the already daunting task of rescuing his friend. His own people operated like a tight-knit family, and betrayal was punished by severe consequences.

Deep down, he knew that his decision was already made. No matter the risks or the obstacles ahead, he would stop at nothing to bring him back safely. The thought of leaving his friend at the mercy of their cruel intentions was unbearable.

As Gunwook's mind slowly emerged from its chaotic thoughts, he turned his gaze toward Taerae, finding the same sense of misery and despair mirrored in his eyes.

The latter's voice trembled with concern as he spoke up. "If I thought that Zhanghao could handle things on his own, maybe I wouldn't be so worried," he began. "But considering how difficult it's been for him, I can't imagine what Yujin must be going through right now. We need to act quickly to bring both of them back safely."

Gunwook's expression was grim as he nodded in agreement. "If I go back now, I'm certain I'll end up getting killed," he admitted with a heavy sigh. "They saw us talking, and they won't hesitate to take drastic measures if they suspect any betrayal. It's even surprising that I am alive right now." 

He glanced around nervously, aware that their every move could be under surveillance.

"Come with me," Taerae sighed, stepping forward to take the lead. 

"This place looks like a charity home for ex-murderers now," he remarked as they both entered the building, glancing around at the worn-down surroundings. 

"I won't bother you for long," the said 'ex-murderer' assured. "Don't worry about it."

"Sure thing," the FBI agent replied with a hint of sass, confidently stepping in front of a passerby. Arching an eyebrow, he addressed the person, "Excuse me, have you seen Jiwoong around here?"

The trainee appeared taken aback by the direct approach but still managed to respond. "Uh, yeah, I think I saw him and Matthew right there," he said, pointing in a particular direction.

Taerae quickly thanked him for the information and wasted no time heading in the given way. 

As he spotted Gyuvin, he hurriedly approached him, a sense of urgency evident in his typically calm and friendly voice.

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