Chapter Twenty Five

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"Ok, so remember," Hermione said, looking around the table. "We are going back to hopefully just a few minutes before the explosion." Everyone nodded in agreement. "Harry, Blaise, Draco, and Ron, you are going to the front of the property to hide in the bushes to surprise the intruders. Nyx and I will stay back, and we will ensure that you are both protected by the blast. Nyx has taught me her maximum protection shield, and she is going to cast protego for extra measures. Then we get out of there as quickly as possible."

"We will use the rope to tie the intruders up and leave them for Harry to find." Draco nodded along as he spoke.

"And I will be staying here to make sure we are not interrupted and everyone gets back safely. I will have the medical supplies on hand just in case." Pansy held up Nyx's medic bag as she spoke.

"So everyone takes a swig of this," Nyx drank the liquid luck and passed it to Draco, who copied her actions and passed it on to Blaise until everyone had taken it.

"Oh, I like this," Ron smirked. "I feel bloody fantastic!"

"Okay, it is 9.46pm now," Nyx noted. "We need to remember that so we can get back."

Hermione wrote the time on the back of her hand using her pen and showed everyone. "Got it."

"Okay," Nyx said, setting the time and date on the Time-Turner. "Let's do this. Everyone take hold of me."

Draco stepped up first and wrapped one arm around Nyx's waist, hugging her back and the other around Blaise who did the same and grabbed Hermione, who grabbed Ron, who grabbed Harry and Harry held onto Nyx and Draco.

It was bizarre to witness as they watched the scene around them rewind at lightening quick speed. It was blurry and hard to make out, but Draco could see he and Nyx at breakfast, then darkness, then her last night, then when he was still there and then when it was empty. Then there was darkness again, and finally, the time seemed to slow down before stopping.

"Ima be sick," Ron heaved, bending over. "That was horrible."

"Remind me never to introduce you to the Waltzer ride at the funfair." Hermione smirked.

"Rides not over yet, we need to Apparate," Nyx said, checking her watch. "Everyone hold on again. They did the same stance again and apparated, arriving with a faint 'pop' in Nyx's back garden.

"Now I am going to be sick," Blaise sighed, breathing in deeply.

"No time for that. Get moving, boys. Stay out of sight and be careful." Hermione warned.

"Wait, give me a second," Nyx said as she took a box out of her pocket and lifted the lid, revealing a navy glitter powder. She proceeded to hold it in her hand and blow it onto the boys. "Blast and flame retardant. Will save you during the explosion. OK now you can fuck off," she winked.

Draco gave Nyx a squeeze as he let go, and the four men ran quietly around the side of the house. "OK Hermione, we should stand by the kitchen window," she said, blowing some powder on Hermione and holding the box up for Hermione to do the same on her.

"Nyx, I would love to have your mind. Even for 24 hours." Hermione smirked.

"I may be smart, but it gets very lonely when you work by yourself and live by yourself. It's not really much of a life." Nyx frowned, only having recently realised how nice it was to have friends and people around you. She wasn't sure what would happen after their adventure was finished. She didn't want to go back to being on her own.

"Well, it won't be lonely anymore," Hermione smirked. Nyx just wasn't so sure.

The two girls stood on the bench that sat against the wall of Nyx's house. And peeked in through the window, watching what was happening in the living room. "There we are," Nyx gestured ahead of her. They kept their heads down low so they would not be seen.

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