Chapter 2

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I walk quietly back to class. The teacher is in the midst of a lesson when I quietly walk into the classroom and take my seat. The board is covered in a drawing of a color spectrum and different colored eyes. Whilst writing on the board he says,"Nice of you to join us Danny."

"The pleasure is all mine." I say sarcastically, and the class lets out a giggle.

He turns around and says,"Well Danny it looks like your reflection is in a weird mood today."

I try my best not to look shocked but my thought over whelm me. What does my reflection have anything to do with this? It's not like it controls me or something. The teacher looks at me confused and says,"Can I see you in the hall for a moment." All I can think is that Marie needs to get here faster.

He continues with,"You don't know do you?" I nod my head.

He laughs and says,"Okay well how about you describe to me what a reflection is in detail."

My anxiety is overwhelming me, I can't let a word out. He continues with,"Wait, you really don't know? Do you even know the spectrum?" Then at that moment Marie comes rushing down the hallway.

She exclaims,"Thomas don't you dare say a word to her!"

Thomas replies with,"How do you expect her to learn at this school if she doesn't even know what we're teaching her about!"

Marie says sternly,"I was getting to it Thomas. I don't need your advice on how to raise my own daughter."

Thomas continues with,"But she is also Felix's daughter! How do you expect her to hold up his legacy?"

They both start flat out bickering at each other and I'm tired of it. I scream,"HEY!" They both stop and stare at me shocked,"how dare you think you can plan my life out in front of me!" I say to Thomas,"and you! What are you keeping from me this time?!"

Marie looks down and says,"Daniella I promise I can explain."

"Not this time." I stay sternly, then I run as fast as I can to get out of this school. I hear Marie start to run and yell after me but Thomas stops her.

He says,"Marie you need to let her figure this out on her own."

By this time I am out of the school. I run until I get to the road across from the school. One of the biggest perks of living in the big apple is that you can get lost in crowds fast and easily if you want to. I walk into a convenience store and then enter their less than pleasant bathroom. I then call Piper, something was off this morning and I need to know what. It rings 3 times and she picks up. She says,"Hey Danny what's up?"

"Did you know?" I say sternly. The line is silent. "Piper you're my best friend please for the love of the remnants of our friendship I don't need any more lies."

She says quietly,"Danny, what on earth are you talking about?"

A rush of relief went over me. I begin to think that maybe I have at least one person that hasn't been lying to me my whole life. I sigh with relief and say,"Piper I need you to come pick me up."

She says,"Are you crazy? Just tell me what's going on."

I look around and say quietly,"Piper, I don't want anyone hearing what I'm going to tell you. I mean, I have no clue, it could be nothing, it could be life changing. All you need to now as of this moment is that I need to get away."

Then with that she says,"Um okay, where are you?"

"The convenience store on 31st street." Then she hangs up. About 30 minutes later Piper arrives and picks me up. We begin driving due west and I ask her,"Piper where are we going?"

All she says is,"You'll see." Then we drive for about another 10 minutes, trying to avoid the uncomfortable tension of the car by small talk. We arrive at an old fashioned abandoned building on 46th street.

As we walk up to the rustic old building, we both stare up at it and I say,"Piper..."

She responds with,"Welcome to Loew's 46th St. Theater, as it's known to by the world." Then we both walk into the magical old, abandoned theater. As we enter we start walking down a dark hallway. It's a surprisingly long hallway so Piper begin to talk,"When you got into the car this morning Danny knew you hadn't taken your large array of medications and I was proud of you. I can always tell because when you don't take them, I finally get to see the you I became best friends with." How does Piper know about those? I've never told anyone that. I was put on those medicines at a young age and I didn't and don't really know what they are for exactly. I just figured my mother knew what was best for me. How does Piper know?

I stop and say,"Piper what exactly are you trying to tell me?"

She looks at me and says,"You know why we are best friends? I mean, you were right we are both on such different paths, but there is something we have in common. And Danny I promise, this one thing is so much more relevant than anything else we have ever done or will ever go through."I now begin to realize that maybe Piper knows about what happened and what Marie and Thomas were shouting about. I don't know what to think because Piper is the only person that's been honest to me today, but how can I trust anyone who has or has had the audacity to lie to me about my entire life's composition and past?

I respond with,"You sound like a hallmark card."

She rolls her eyes then says,"Danny just follow me." Then we both start running down the dark hallway with only the light from our phones illuminating the path, in the midst of running Piper stops and looks at a small wooden door. I walk up to her confused, she can obviously tell because she then laughs at me. She looks at me, puts her hand on the door, and says,"Welcome to wonderland Danny." Then she opens the door and a burst of light hits me in the face. I then crouch under the small door and what I see in front of me will have changed me for the rest of my life. Yet at the time, all I could think was, 'woe is me, nothing ever goes right'. Little did I know that the room I was about to walk into, would be the place that would show me what true happiness actually felt like, and quite frankly, what else do you need?

Okay, so I understand that I didn't really get into the plot again and that this chapter is even shorter than the last one but I enjoy cliff hangers. Plus I need some time to get the storylines and names of everything all sorted so that it can be better than when I'm just writing on a whim. When I was writing this I was completely enlightened as to where this story is heading and I'm super excited for it. So I didn't want to start writing the next part yet because it's going to be pretty long and I didn't want to have one really short chapter and one really long chapter. So even though it's pretty much just my friends reading this I'm still trying to take pride in my work and produce the best writing possible because I take pride in my work and I'm having so much fun writing this! Thanks for reading!!!

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