Chapter 3

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I walk into the bright room and I'm set aback. I look around and the rooms look like a never-ending series of mirrors. However these are not your normal mirrors. There are people walking into and out of them. Other than that the room is very normal, cozy even. Everyone that is in the room seems comfortable, and acquainted with each other. There are people of all ages going through the never-ending room. I look at Piper and she seems just as comfortable as the rest of the people here.

I ask her,"What is this place?"

She responds confidently with,"This, is home." Then she begins to lead me out of the doorway and into my new reality. We walk over to a boy who looks about my age, maybe a little older. He has dirty blonde hair and is fairly muscular. As we walk Piper shouts,"Hey Cade!" then the boy turns around to reveal eyes that are so blue, that you have to look twice just to adjust to the brightness.

He greets us with a smile and says,"Hey Pipes, who's your friend?"

Piper says quietly,"Daniella White."

His eyes go big and he looks at me in awe, he looks back at Piper and says almost silently,"As in FELIX White?" Piper simply nods.

I dive in with,"Piper if you don't tell me what's going on." Then Cade smiles slightly.

We all stand there awkwardly for a few seconds before Cade says,"Well, I should probably give you the grand tour." I've noticed that Cade talks with such an innocence it makes me wonder how he is involved in all of this.

Piper interrupts with,"Cade wait, she doesn't know anything, not about the gifted, the mirrors or anything." Cade stares back at her baffled.

He retaliates with,"Then why on earth did you bring her here? Is she even gifted?!-"

Piper interrupts with,"She just stopped taking the medications today. Her mother has known she was gifted since she was just 8" That stops Cade, now I'm wondering how Piper knew I'd been on all of the medications that long.

"Well, we should probably get out of here, you know, before everyone starts freaking out that we have our very own freak of nature amongst the freaks of nature, and a legacy. Not many of those around anymore." He says with a smirk. Then he guides us out of the room. Wow he sure has a way of flattering people. He leads us up a stairway that I didn't even notice when I walked in. It blends in with the rest of the room because the stairs are in fact, guess what, made of mirrors. Once you get past the stairs the floor above is normal and resembles that of a small apartment complex.

I ask out of curiosity,"Is this where you all live?"

"Well, I do, but some people like Pipes here like things like 'family' and 'school'" He says sarcastically.

I huff and say,"You're preaching to the choir kid."

He looks at me amused, is that a sense of flirting a see? Oh no, Piper!

"CADE. QUIT FLIRTING." Piper says mercilessly. She has always been very protective and a queen bee match maker and she can sense the slightest sense of flirt from a 10 mile radius. Cade looks at me and blushes. This does not fit the first impression I got of him.

So we just arrived in front of Cade's apartment and from the outside it looks average sized, if not small. However I learn very quickly that looks can be deceiving. All I can think is how on earth does such a big apartment fit in a building like this? I mean this building is not small by no means but all of the space was in the theater and there are businesses that are right next to it! It's all messing with my mind. We walk in and enter his living room. His living room is bigger that my whole house. He sits down in an armchair facing towards the door and we sit on a white couch right next to it. So I ask Cade,"So, what exactly is up with all of the mirrors and light colors and stuff?" He smiles and I can tell he's debating on keeping the whole secret to himself. Then Piper kicks him off his high horse. Literally and mentally.

He answers with,"Well, they keep the reflections happy, because you know, more or less, that's what we do. They are very self centered and love it."He looks at Piper mischievously and says quickly,"But before I say anything else, I want to show you how to transfer.

Piper glares at him and says,"How is she supposed to transfer if she doesn't even know what a reflection is!"

I intervene with,"Um I think I got a pretty good idea from this place." I say as I stare into the fifteen foot tall mirror in the back of Cade's apartment.

Cade interrupts with,"Well that's all you need to know really need to know let's begin." Then he leads me over to the mirror. We both stand about 6 inches away from the mirror looking straight to at our reflections. A little to up close and personal for my taste but you know whatever. He says,"Danny, I'm going to need you to look at yourself and concentrate."

Piper bursts through us with,"Please Cade quit coddling her I promise she won't break. Plus all of her medications have completely worn off by now. Okay now, what you will need to do is pick a part of your body you want to enter first, it just helps with coordination and not falling and stuff."

"Falling?" I question. What have I gotten myself into.

"Hush you'll be fine. Now go in, head first, and just imagine yourself. That's all you will be able to do right now, but that doesn't make it any less scary, reflections can be pretty rude and it's exhausting so just remember, when you literally face yourself in that mirror, you need to make it clear you are in charge. If you don't you will be demolished in there." Then Piper shuffles me closer to the mirror.

I look back at her and say,"Demolished? Seriously this is a solid object there is no way I am going to be able to go in here." I say as I attempt to knock my fist on the mirror, but I can't, my hand goes right through it and before I know it, I have transferred through the mirror and I am standing face to face with my reflection self.



Wow that was really fun to write. I'll try to write the next chapter soon but I'm super busy right now with summer work and band and such. But you know I don't really need to say anything else except for thanks for reading!

UPDATE: oh my gosh I am so sorry I've been so inactive writing this. I have been so busy with school, things have just been crazy since school started, and I hate writing updates and stuff but I feel like you deserve an explanation, am I right? The reason I started writing this again was because I saw people that I didn't know we're reading it and that gave me the assurance that hey, maybe my stories aren't awful :) I'll be trying to post a lot more frequently and I'm working one to two more chapters right now that I will be publishing within the next few days, so thanks for reading and share this with your friends!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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