Inveterati Lineas

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I turn over in the bed, feeling the familiar hands on my hips, and let out a groan as I open my eyes and see the light of the morning. Checking the clock on my bedside table I shook Alex's shoulders. "Up and at 'em," I said, drawing my body out from his long limbs that were attempting to keep me held captive against his body.

"I don't wanna," he groaned, like a kid.

"Well you have ta," I rolled my eyes, and pulled the long white shirt I'd borrowed (read: stolen) from him down. "School and all that jazz."

"Can't we just play hooky?" He turns over, facing me as he rubs his eyes free of sleep.

"You know I would never play hooky," I grabbed out a sweater, a skirt and some patterned grey stockings. "And your mum has had the last straw with you."

"Fine," he groaned and stumbled out of bed, before pulling his jeans on over his boxers and then his shirt.

Alexander Richard Ludwig was my best friends since well, forever. Our mothers had been good friends and moved in a street away from each other, and I had spent hours and hours with the young Ludwig boy. We became close, and had spent a fair bit of time watching TV and then falling asleep on each others beds, so much so that it became tradition.

"I'll duck home and change," he ruffled my hair, causing me to frown, before he walked downstairs, and shouting 'Morning Madeline!' to my sister, which was followed by a thump, which I could only assume was her throwing something (most likely her shoe) at him.

Rolling my eyes I walked into my bathroom and showered quickly, re-shaving my legs, before chucking on my clothes, throwing my hair up into a loose ponytail and applying my makeup. I could vaguely hear the sounds of my sister groaning downstairs and so quickly packed up my things, before walking downstairs. "Mads, what's wrong?" I asked, looking at my sister l, who was sitting at the kitchen counter, with her dark hair in a messy bun on top of her head and her mascara running as she frantically flipped through the heavy books and notes that her professor would probably be jealous of.

"I don't have a clue what I'm doing!" She groaned, pulling at her hair as if it was annoying her.

I managed to stifle the snort that rose to my lips at that. "You know everything there is to know on the subject," I restrained from rolling my eyes. She'd decided to study French and she was like, über talented, and knew more about it than anyone I would ever meet. Not only that but she had spent hours sorting through old tomes looking at the history of the language, as if it was the most fascinating poem she'd ever read.

"Love, you've read every last book there is on French in the library. Honestly you have nothing to worry about," I rolled my eyes. 

"But what if I can't pass the test? What if I can't do the translations or -" I cut her off as she asked, running through all of her worries. 

"You'll be fine," I tossed her an apple. "I've seen you studying. Now why don't you go take that test and then treat yourself to a croissant?" 

She grinned and caught it. "Thanks Iz," Madeline smiled, before packing up her stuff. "Now I gotta go, before I miss the test."

"Good luck!" I called as she walked out. "By the way, where's mum?"

"She's out somewhere - shopping maybe?" Madeline called back, walking out the door. "Love you!"

"You too!" I called back, before looking around the kitchen, and opening the fridge, looking for something to eat. Sure enough, an avocado sat there, just waiting to be demolished. Popping the toaster down, I poured a juice, as I looked through my new texts. 

Alex had just texted me:

hey babe, about 2 get there - get sum toast

Rolling my eyes and texted him back to say yes, okay, like every day I would get some toast for him. 

I sliced up the avocado and spread it on two pieces of toast, putting one on a plate, as I munched the other, before downing the juice. The car honked at the front of the house and I called back. "Coming!"

I grabbed his toast and my books, before running out to get to the car. Locking the door behind me, I threw the finger at him as he continued to beep the horn. I ran to his car and chucked him the plate. "You loser," I rolled my eyes as he started backing out of my driveway. 

"Yeah whatever," he bit down on my toast, and I flicked the radio on, bouncing along to the Taylor song that was playing. 

He opened his mouth to start singing and I was tempted to clobber him. "Zander, you idiot, shut up!" I refrained from hitting him as he sung a classic Taylor ooh. "We need to get to school without my mum getting a phone call and also getting committed to hospital."

He (maturely) stuck out his tongue as we pulled into the school car park. Luckily, this was only for juniors and seniors and we were able to get an okay spot, not too far away from the entry of the school. 

"Oh hey, here's Jess," I smiled loosely, referring to his (current) girlfriend. 

"I know," Alexander waved hugged me goodbye and kissed my cheek, before stepping out of the car, as I did, and heading towards Jess. 

Rolling my eyes, I headed off to the school, all too aware of the traumatic experience of high school I was about to enter. I walked to my locker, and grabbed out my stuff for the first two periods, and walked towards my homeroom, only to be stopped by a hand. "Iz!" A voice exclaimed, and I realised it was Amandla. 

"Hey love," I grinned, and hugged her good morning. 

"What's happening?" She asked as she walked with me. 

"Not much," I shrugged. "How bout you?"

Amandla frowned. "Ehh. I studied all weekend. You know I gotta get my Art grade up."

"Ew, art history," I screwed up my face jokingly, and she hit me lightly on my arm. "Nah, I just stayed at home and like watched Pretty Little Liars."

"Good plan," she nodded, smiling. 

"And I watched like ten horror movies," i rolled my eyes. "You know how Zander loves them."

"And how you hate them," Amandla laughed as we entered homeroom. 

"Mandla! Iz!" Jen threw her arms around the both of us excitedly, and offered us a grape, which with both shook our heads to. 

"Hey Jen," I grinned, before hugging morning to Jack. 

We were lucky to all have homeroom together, as only Willow, Leven, Dayo, Josh, Xander and Jackie didn't join us. However considering the size of our school, it wasn't really that surprising. 

Grinning I sat myself down as our homeroom teacher walked in. 


"Oh my god!" Willow squealed as Dayo teased her. "So not funny!"

"So was!" Dayo teased again, and my lips lifted into a grin. 

"So who's going to the game?" Leven asked, referring to the homecoming game that was this Friday.

"Alex is dragging me," I rolled my eyes. 

"Aww, you poor thing," Jackie flicked my nose, and I motioned to bit her finger, which she quickly snapped back to her chest with a laugh. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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