Dan's side of her

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I went with Travis for some beers with our fake ID's to our favorite kiosk on the beach.

Some black haired with a little bit of blue girl, extremely attractive i must add, took our favorite spot. Stupid decision pretty face.

,,yo check our table D some chica took our table''

,,let it go Trav, she's just some stupid tourist''

,,hey, you're the one always kicking people from our table and besides everyone and i mean everyone around her know it is our spot''

,,I'm not in the mood today''

,,Come on man, man up''

I was forced to go up to her.

,,Hey, this is our table, go to another'' Travis started

,,I don't see your name written on it or something, why don't you sit somewhere else?'' She answered I like girls who can speak up for them self, her accent was adorable, hella reminded me of Elizabeth and Camilla, my dad's girlfriend and her daughter. No actually i hated that accent, i hate my dad's girlfriend, she is definitely with him for money or some shit. Anyway.

,,fucking tourist'' i said under my breath hoping she wouldn't hear it. ,,you see love, everyone knows we sit here''

,,Than maybe it's time to try some other tables'' she ironically smiled.

She thinks she can talk like that to me? Hell nah. Do i want her social profiles? Hell yeah

I sat on a chair on my table. She looked mad and exhausted at the same time before i could approach her again she got up, grabbed her citrus lemonade and walked away.

,,She looks fuckable doesn't she?'' Travis sat on a chair where she sat just a second ago.

,,hmm, she looks familiar''

,,Familiar? dude did you heard that accent? she is definitely not from here''

,,The same accent like Elizabeth and Cam has, i think- noo forget it''

,,no, definitely not, talk''

,,i mean my father told me that Cam's friend is gonna be staying at our place for a bit. Maybe it's her''

,,well, if it's her, it's not gonna be easy with her to be under the same roof.''

i smiled at him ,,please, if it's her she'll soften in just a minute with my charm''

,,That sounds like a bet to me'' Travis tilted his head.

After a few minutes Travis suddenly remembered about his meeting with her sister Laya, he offered me to go, but i just wasn't in the mood.

I went home, i didn't even know when i fell asleep. When i woke up it was already dark outside, i went to the kitchen to get some water and some food as i was starving.

I heard some noises from the kitchen thinking that my dad and Elizabeth got home but that didn't stop me. Door to the kitchen were opened just a little bit when i looked in the kitchen i saw Camilla and her. You could see the long black with a blue highlight in it from afar. They were eating everything possible- even cucumber with chocolate. Are they pregnant or just high? I turned around and went outside to a pool and lighted a cigarette.

I took of my clothes, not including underwear and took a little swim. Sometimes i think i should not quit swimming in my team but whatever.

I woke up before 10am and went downstairs for a coffee and some waffles.

,,morning'' was the only think i said and then immediately went to the refrigerator for something on my waffles. Eww that smell of eggs wanted me to throw up.

,,good morning sleepyhead, where's the other one?'' Elizabeth asked. I hoped it would be that blackhaired one.

,,still in her dreams'' yep that was definitely the one. I turned around waiting when she'll notice me.

Veronica gave her mixed eggs and Elizabeth immediately said that Vic doesn't eat eggs. Vic is that her name or some nickname.

,,Thank you'' she said, her morning voice did something for me.

,,What kind of person doesn't eat mixed eggs?'' I asked wondering if she'll have the attitude like yesterday.

,,me, obviously'' yeah she definitely has the same attitude

Elizabeth then started ,, I suppose you two haven't met. Vic this is Dan, Peters son. Dan that's Vic, Camilla's friend'' i was still looking at her and her messy her in her messy bun, without her makeup, she looks even better.

,,bestfriend, mum'' Camilla came in the room

,,Oh, we've already met'' i smiled like i was an angel

I wasn't really listening their conversation, i started listening when Elizabeth said they need to go to the city.

,,They're gonna end up in a restaurant and come home drunked from that disgusting vine''

I was still behind the kitchen island leaned against the kitchen.

,,nobody asked'' she looked at me with neutral face. She wants to play? okay

,,you're sitting on my seat'' I seductively smiled

,,find another one''

Cam asked how we two knew each other and Vic answered that i am the dickhead from yesterday. That girl really got a nerve.

,,yeah he's like this all the time'' no i am not. right?

,,really sister?'' she hates when i call her like this, but i would've killed her if she called me her brother so... ,,stop calling me your sister'' i hatefully looked in her eyes.

My phone started vibrating and i didn't want them to hear my private conversation. I was just about to walked out of the room when i remembered my party is coming in like a week, so i thought it would be fun to invite them.

,,I'll be having a party'' i winked at Vic and walked out.

I looked at my phone-private number ofcourse.

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