Chapter 1- A Warships sea of flames

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???: "Thank you, commander. For agreeing to help."

Sam: "It's nothing. We must protect the world. But after that..... are going to send us to another war?..."

???: "No, after you save that world.... please have your well-deserved rest."

Sam: "Heh, alright. Thanks"

???: "It is the least I can do, you will be all sent to that world as a kansen."

Sam: "aight, though, what ship are we going to be?"

???: "The ship that you were all with to the end"

Sam: *smiles* "Right, we'll do our best"

???: "I'm sure you will......good luck"

He glows and then disappears to another world to protect.

Location: The Pacific Ocean, 500 km from Azur Lane Hawaii base.
Date: May 14, 1940
Time: 1030 military standard time

Pov: first person (mc)

I open my eyes as I see the bright blue sky, I sit up straight and look at the enchanting and glistening waters.

???: "Beautiful...."

Wait..... hold on...... why is my voice different....... almost as if.......

I looked down at my body and IMMEDIATELY noticed two heads on my chest.

???: "W-w-wait n-n-n-no way"

I ran to the edge from where I woke up and saw my reflection. I am a beautiful woman with long white hair and red eyes.

(A/n: please see bios for look)

???: " d-did I...... TURN INTO A WOMANNNNN!!"

Pov: ??? First-person
In another place.

???: "Hmm, should have I also told him that kansens are girls.......... neh, he should be fine

Back to the mc

Sam: "Th-that impossible t-t-this must be a dream"

Sam:*pinches herself* "Ow! Ok, this is not a dream!"

Realizing that this is not a dream, I shake it off as it will do me nothing.

Sam: "So, I'm on one of the catapults. *sighs deeply* "Let's go to the bridge and assess the situation before me."

I stand up and make my way to the bridge of the ship, Along the way, I check other facilities such as the medical bay and hangar. After a few minutes of walking, I reach the bridge.

I enter the bridge and stop in my seat. I place my hand on one of its arms as nostalgia kicks in. I snap out of it and shout.

Sam: "Ready all systems!!"

All of the consoles and screens turn on as a familiar voice speaks.

Alice: "AI assistant Alice, online. Good morning commander" in a semi-robotic voice

Sam: "Good morning to you too Alice"

Alice: "May I be of assistance?"

Sam: "Yup, perform a status report on the ship please."

Alice: "Understood"

Alice starts to scan the ship and after 10 mins she finishes.

Alice: "Commander, weapons systems, communication systems, medical systems, life support systems, defense systems, and engine systems fully  operational."

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