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d r e a m l a n n d
Spencer's Pov

I was with my bandmates, clad in our matching Camp Crystal Lake shirts, each emblazoned with "Counselor" on the back. The night was deep, the fire crackling before us, drinks in hand, and my fingers strumming lightly on the guitar, weaving melodies into the air.

Amidst the flickering flames, Patrick's voice cut through the crackling embers, his words laced with mischief. "So, Spence, are you finally going to make a move on y/n? We've all seen the way you look at her." A pang of jealousy coursed through me, though I tried to hide it behind a casual smile.

Patrick's beer tilted to his lips, a casual gesture, before he nudged me with a knowing grin. I watched as Karen, Nancy, and y/n approached, their laughter mingling with the night air. But it was y/n who caught my attention, her attire radiating confidence and allure, each movement drawing me in.

She looked stunning, and I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from her. Yet, my reverie was shattered as Ricky appeared beside her, offering a beer with a charming grin. I clenched my jaw, watching as she accepted it, their conversation punctuated by her melodic laughter.

As the night wore on and the fire's embers dwindled, a strange sensation washed over me, like a whispering breeze rustling through the trees. At first, it was barely perceptible, a soft murmur at the edge of hearing, teasing my senses.

I glanced around, searching for the source of the sound, but all I could see were the shadowy outlines of trees swaying gently in the breeze. Yet, the whispers persisted, growing louder, more insistent, weaving around us like tendrils of smoke.

A chill crept down my spine, and I shivered, suddenly aware of the darkness that surrounded us, thick and suffocating. I exchanged a wary glance with my bandmates, but they seemed oblivious to the eerie atmosphere that had descended upon us.

With a sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach, I strained to make out the words carried on the whispered wind, but they remained elusive, slipping through my grasp like wisps of smoke. And as the whispers continued to swirl around us, I couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister lurked just beyond the edge of our campfire's glow.

He drowned in all our sins
He drowned in our mistakes
Fueled by the flood we play in blood
The cruse of crystal lake

I glanced around, dismissing the faint whispers with a casual shrug. Setting the guitar down, I made my way over to where y/n and Ricky stood, a smile playing on my lips. "Hey, y/n," I greeted her, watching as her eyes widened in surprise. "Spencer! Hey," she replied, her cheeks flushing slightly as I draped my arm around her shoulders.

"Aww, how cute is that couple," Patrick's voice interjected, earning him a playful middle finger from me. Ignoring him, I turned back to y/n, my gaze locked on hers. "So, wanna grab a drink?" I suggested, and she nodded eagerly, her attention now solely on me.

Together, we slipped away from the group, disappearing into a nearby cabin hidden from prying eyes. I shut the door behind us, leaning against it as y/n smirked, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Tsk tsk, Charnas. Didn't tell your bandmates about us yet?" she teased, and I rolled my eyes, a smirk tugging at my lips.

"Why would I? They should know by now that you're mine," I replied, closing the distance between us. She backed up slowly, her gaze locked with mine, until we tumbled onto the bed, my body pressing against hers. Holding her wrists above her head, I leaned in close, my breath tickling her ear as I whispered, "And I mean all mine."

My American Nightmare • Spencer Charnas x readerWhere stories live. Discover now