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On Main Stage

Y/n Pov

As I stood there waiting for Motionless, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Patrick, holding a drumstick in his hand. His suit was half disheveled, and his hair was messy, yet somehow, he looked surprisingly attractive. I couldn't help but chuckle softly at the sight. Despite my crush on Spencer, there was something undeniably appealing about Patrick at that moment.

"Hey, you wanna hang out by the bus? We're gonna drink, play some games, and then watch your friends," Patrick said to me, his disheveled appearance somehow adding to his charm. A part of me wanted to say yes, to hang out with him, but another part felt guilty about leaving. However, the opportunity to spend time with Ink was too tempting to resist. I bit my bottom lip, contemplating for a moment before replying, "Sure, lead the way, drummer boy."

He laughed at my response. "That's a good one! Maybe I'll just call you 'groupie'."

I scoffed at the suggestion. "Yeah, no. Next!" I shouted playfully as we walked off the stage, making our way towards Ink's bus. As we walked, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. Sure enough, some people at the barricade started shouting for Patrick. He just waved and quickened our pace, eager to escape the chaos.

We walked in silence, the tension palpable but unspoken, hanging heavy in the air. Patrick held the door open for me, and I walked in first, taking in the scene before me. Joe and Miles were huddled together, laughing as they took shots, their laughter filling the room. Spencer sat quietly on the couch, sipping his drink, his expression unreadable. Ricky was off in a corner, his attention focused on his phone, a furrow of frustration creasing his brow.

As Patrick made his way over and sat next to Ricky, I hesitated, unsure of where to go or what to do. I glanced around, feeling like the new kid in school trying to find a place to fit in. Despite the progress I'd made in getting to know them, I still felt like an outsider, uncertain of my place among them.

"You wanna join us, y/n?" Spencer's voice cut through the tension, and I nodded instinctively, unable to resist his invitation.

As I approached the group, Joe and Miles greeted me with a shot in hand. "Here, join the party!" Joe's words were slightly slurred, indicating that he was already well on his way to being drunk.

I accepted the shot, the familiar burn of alcohol warming me from the inside out as it slid down my throat. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, the camaraderie of the group was comforting, and I found myself relaxing in the moment.

"I knew I liked her!" Joe's words were slurred as he draped an arm around me, his drunken enthusiasm evident. I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics. "I like you too, Joe," I replied, returning his smile.

"Wanna take another one?" he asked eagerly, but before I could respond, I felt a tight grip on my arm, pulling me gently into someone's chest. Looking up, I saw Spencer, my favorite drink in his hand.

"Wow, I can't believe you have this, thanks," I said, accepting the drink graciously.

"No problem. I remember you ordered it at the bar once. Figured it was your favorite," Spencer said with a smile before releasing his grip on my arm. My cheeks flushed at his thoughtfulness, and I couldn't help but smile back

In The Bus

Spencer's POV

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